Was that the scent of Brute on Christine Blasey.....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Houston we have a Kavanaugh Problem............
I don't seem to recall in looking at the old yearbooks for geezers in the 1980's in their being orgies, Playboy Bunny costumes and beefcake dancers, hired by the little girls of Maryland, but then Christine Blase Ford apparently was a real go getter, in she really was a cock magnet.
I said STOP NASTY GIRL, as the Virgin Mary
is the only woman for me.....
In this, we must now ask the pertinent question, as Ford's attorney's are jockeying for a week's delay for her to testify, after further investigations of Brett Kavanaugh, if Brett Kavanaugh has not been asked the right questions, in we know he was not trying rape girls, but is the case of this that Christine Blase saw the shy little Brett around the park, and got him invited to a party, where she got him drunk and then tried to play with his penis under his swim trunks in an upstair's bedroom.
I was a nice boy until naughty girls took advantage of my youth
like Brett Kavanaugh experienced......
Was it really Brett Kavanaugh who wrestling for his virginity, as Ford was rubbing her nethers on him, and Brett was protesting things like the "Virgin Mary would not like this happening" and other Catholic school boy protests that the good padre would have instructed them when bad girls came calling?
Was it Brett Kavanaugh who had Ford's hot breath in his ear telling him she was going to make him butch and Brett with torn t shirt, trunks and crying, ran from that house, went home sobbing, stood in the shower trying to wash that nasty girl off him, and wondering what he had ever done to bring on an attack from a nasty girl.
In this, is Brett's cupcake queen wife the real heroine in spending years to bring Brett out of his shell, rescuing him from Karl Rove advances, and making a man out of Brett Kavanaugh, who still whimpers at the scent of Brute for Girls.
I clung to the bedpost trying to pull myself free from that naughty girl...
Yes these are the questions which do indeed need to be asked, as Christine Ford, was a real cock magnet with full advertising. We though have been told that it is not what a woman wears which allows anyone to attack her, but then again the same holds true for young boys like Brett Kavanaugh.
It is something democrats must answer for in this, especially Claire McCaskill of Missouri who announced she will not vote for Brett Kavanaugh. Is McCaskill now supporting the rape of little boys at prep school and protecting alley cats who hunted those boys and raped them at parties.
The nasty girl said she had two Rosaries we could pray together upstairs...
The questions need to be asked did Christine Ford have a weapon, an assault pistol, which she pulled out, and made Brett Kavanaugh submit to unspeakable things, before his morality rose inside of him and he screamed out, "Give me liberty of give me death" and fled in a hail of bullets from the Rape Room of Nasty Girls of Maryland.

Poor, innocent, Brett Kavanaugh. He was not like Roy Moore at all in being smeared as a pervert, but instead John Kelly chose a candidate who had a dark secret in he was the one who was attacked, but still in his shame he is keeping silent.
We must ask Karl Rove, what he knows of this situation. We must have an FBI investigation of Christine Blasey Ford, to know her part in this. Was Christine Blasey Ford playing Naughty Girl in loop which sent her lust filled rampage on little Brett Kavanaugh.
Naughty Girl - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment Naughty Girl · Mac Davis Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me ℗ 1972 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Released on: 2007-01...
Donald she was a penis grabber and I felt so violated....
All I wanted to do was fondle my Rosary.