What would the Government of King Solomon legally do with
Christina Ford and Brett Kavanaugh?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What is Truth? Is it a woman or is it a man?
- Grassley Grows a Pair, Sets Friday Deadline for Kavanaugh Radical Democrat Activist ‘Accuser’
- Democrat Hoax Comes Crashing Down: Judge Kavanaugh Accuser’s Classmate Makes New Claim, Then Backtracks, Deletes Everything
- Democrats Call for Violent Uprising if Judge Kavanaugh is Confirmed Without Hearing From Fake Accuser from 36 Years Ago — Even Though She’s Now Refusing to Testify for Fear of Being Outed as the Radical Leftist Liar She Is
- Dirty Democrats are Trying to Frame Judge Kavanaugh Exactly Like They Did Clarence Thomas; Their Playbook is Getting Old and Tired
Then there is Catholic Matt Walsh, the #NeverTrumper, who engaged in every form of Keyboard Rape against Donald Trump and his voter, now discovering a headline as the Pied Piper of Kavanaugh, to redeem himself, to make your forget his St. Pater he sodomized Evangelicals with in smearing them for voting for candidate Trump, is narrowing the definition of this as this is all about aborticide.
Matt Walsh Exposes Democrats’ ‘Pure Evil’ for ‘Unsubstantiated Rape Allegation to Smear an Innocent Man Because They’re Afraid Their Ability to Kill Babies Might be Impeded’
Where were all of these people when this blog was warning of the dangers of POLITICAL RAPE, in how it would be unleashed in real violence and how it was turned against innocent Christian Protestants in Judge Roy Moore.
Suddenly now we have Clarence Thomas II and it all matters as the ringer Kavanaugh for Trump State is going to vote to confirm EVERY OBAMA RULING the courts have made, because Kavanaugh states that is his manifesto, in what the Supreme Court ruled on is his law. That means abortion stands. That means gun control will not be rolled back as it stands. That means sodomy stands. That means religious persecution stands. That means Judge Gorsuch protecting illegals and Judge Breyer quoting Shia law is what Brett Kavanaugh bends at the waist for.
Brett Kavanaugh is a disaster and that is why this sham event has been created to distract every right wing American from the Obama Affirmation that Kavanaugh will become.

Howard Metzenabaum
Rape is a serious act of violence. Men, women, children and animals who are violated by it, are forever changed and it is the most reprehensible thing for democrats who started this with Anita Hill in the ringleaders of Howard Metzenbaum and Teddy Kennedy thought they could lynch that curly headed nigger, and then paid off Hill with a career.
The women against Judge Roy Moore have been protected too and from John Kelly in the White House.
All of this #MeToo was not about Harvey Weinstein. It was about cheapening women who want to rewrite being prostitutes for a career. It was about protecting a pedophile rapist in Kevin Spacey in conditioning the public to pity and then champion this "victim".
Real girls and women, have been held down, raped and yes murdered, and what Christine Blasey Ford did in coming forward as a democrat political prostitute, the democrats sitting on it, as they tried to dig up other women who Kavanaugh attacked, it has now become a #MeToo for attention sing along as a Cristina King joined in claiming to know information, and then backtracked and deleted everything as she knew nothing, other than being a #MeToo girl.
All of that hurts women, men, children and animals.
The trial lawyer in me would love to get the opportunity to question Ms. Ford, as no one has brought up what needs to be asked in Arlen Specter fashion when he caught Anita Hill lying before Congress.
The place, the night, the time, what Kavanaugh wore, the bedroom, the house, EVERYTHING is a venue as it was in exposing the liars against Judge Roy Moore had their stories torn to shreds. There are holes in Ms. Ford's story and that is why she has run for cover. Given time, her friends will be questioned, and given time her modern version of the Kavanaugh story in where it originated, exactly as Anita Hill embellished her story, would all come pouring out.
Seriously, do you have an attorney on retainer in hundreds of dollars an hour, ready to write letters to Congressional Chairmen? See things stink in this in this has been planned, including the ludicrous request of the FBI to investigate a non event of 36 years ago.
And once again as this circus plays on, real women who have been raped by real men who are powerful, real children raped by adults who will call them liars, and real men who will be smeared as wimps in being cock raped by other males, will not come forward, because they are watching this in law enforcement can not help in cases like this which are real, how factions begin smearing the accuser to save themselves, and how the accuser needs more lawyers than the accused.
In posting about this days ago in what a cock rocket Ms. Ford must be in satire, I had one thought in this in what is necessary for America. There are two people involved in this in Brett Kavanaugh with his cupcake baking wife and Christina Ford and her liberal posse. One of them is lying. That means one of them does not belong on the Supreme Court or University. In King Solomon dividing the baby, in order to put an end to this salacious breaking of Thou shalt not bear false witness, Congress should pass a unanimous bill the President should sign, that when it comes to these situation, two people enter a Congressional hearing, but only one walks out alive.
That is what is lost in America, in there are no penalties and always tomorrows for people destroying nations. Those are serious consequences for the Boy Who Cried Wolf. That boy had consequences as the villages livestock were all dead and the village starved to death.
The Lame Cherry does not care what is the Truth in fraud Kavanaugh and fraud Ford. What the Lame Cherry wants for tomorrow is a Congressional Law signed by Donald Trump that from now on people who make charges and the person being charged, have a reality that only one of them will come out of it alive. These snowflakes start figuring out there are consequences that follow a lifetime, it will take the enticement out of rape and the lust out of smearing someone like Donald Trump in Russiagate.
Make it all legal, make it all that anyone who tries to file injunctions and stop the law, be sentenced to the same execution, and make that execution on the Capitol Hill steps, with a broadsword, and line up all those Congressmen close so when the arteries start spraying blood, their high priced suits get a good soaking.
Let no one wash the blood off the steps, and let it stain them, and let the corpse rot there for a good stench that will be there after the winter snows have melted......and let it be freshened every few weeks with new criminals sentenced to be executed by timely courts whose job it is to keep America from putting rapists on the Supreme Court and Rape Teases from having jobs in Universities.
I want law and order in America, so the stench of it reminds these Washington elitists there is Justice in this world. That will stop all of this as it starts being whetted with the convictions of George Soros and whatever above the law ilk who think it is an occupation to replace Americans with third world vermin.
Will you ever hear a Matt Walsh or any of these other shills give this a Solomon Seal to save America? Not a chance as that is the propaganda machine paid to distract you from what is really going on again.
Either that or do an Omega Glory in what American Cloud William said in Good conquers Evil, and as Kirk and Tracey fought it out, let Ford and Kavanaugh fight it out for a knife on the floor. In looking at Kavanaugh, I think that woman could take him. It might not be Truth winning out, but it will send a message that there are legal consequences in America where one gets to keep their job and the other gets to employ others to bury them.
Nuff Said