Thursday, September 27, 2018

We are all Hitler's Children

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the world closes this chapter on the age of humanity, it seems only fitting that by actions from America to Vienna to Moscow, that the world's civilized leaders have all read Mein Kampf and discovered the genius therein at the start of the 21st century's first trimester.

- Lame Cherry

In reading the excellent German to English translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Konrad Heiden reveals a most fascinating piece of history in Mein Kampf was second only to the Bible in sales, and it made Adolf Hitler a very wealthy man, as it's purchase was mandatory and it was given to newlyweds.

It was in Heiden's introduction though on page XIX, that something captured my attention in the same schism  which plunged the world into wars ha been reunited again where in Europe they are termed Non Governmental Organizations and in the United States they would be termed Lutheran Social Services for the lucrative slave trade in this quote:

To the author - although he was shrewd enough not to state it explicitly himself, to have his spiritual adviser, Alfred Rosenbeg, the belief in human equality is a kind of hypnotic spell exercised by world conquering Judaism with the help of Christian Churches. Later the Jews invented the mass seduction of liberal democracy, n the last stage, Marxism was their tool.
By preaching the principle of human equality, Judaism has attempted to extirpate from the ARyan race, to rob them of leadership.
To give back to these noble races their former consciousness of superiority by incalculating the principle that men are not equal is the theoretical purpose of Mein Kampf.

There is absolutely not one shred of a lie in the above statement by Heiden in this forward. It is a fact that equality is a fiction which is legalized to exploit the successful majority to denying their rights to the unsuccessful minority.
Replace Judiaism with the real word of FINANCIERS who are utilizing the robbing of the  working people's wages to fund the welfare state which the conglomerates profit off of, and it is the interchangeable reality of successful Jewish tycoons have for years guided the world at war and exploited it  at peace.
As Mother Rothschild bragged, no war started unless her sons made profit off of both sides.

The destruction of the United States is a mirror image of the destruction of Europe. In Europe the attempt under the wise leadership of Sebastian Kurz, is to promote the greater Europa again without the appendage of Muslim rapists. In America though the genocide of that race is being wholeheartedly embraced by their Mein Kampf reader, while in Moscow the reality is to preserve Russia for Russians at all costs.
In each case though the same financiers utilized rape hordes to destabilize the nation states to gain their respective advance of power and wealth control of the host nation.

Adolf Hitler composed Mein Kampf in the Southern German or Lower Bavaria dialect. People miss the reality of the Austrian of Hitler the artist, was Bohemian, in that artistic lilt. When the term Bohemian Lifestyle is utilized, it is the San Francisco 1960's free love cult. Adolf Hitler was the definition of unconventional, in his trendy mustache and his hair. This was the intellectual whose revolutionary ideas built on scientific realities funded by the American Rockefellers transformed an entire socialist movement. Darwinism was the scientific reality of Nazism, and fittingly the slur of Nazi referred to the south of Germany.

So when Adolf Hitler composed Mein Kampf, it was an orchestra of the arts, filled with every bit the nuance of admired prose of the later Islamocommunist Barack Hussein Obama. Mein Kampf was written in the "cool man" language of Germany.

You heard the CIA scripted terms of "the man" and "the establishment" in American counter culture. Hitler's "the man" was the same Jewish international banking and the "establishment" was the same whoring clergy suffering the masses to bend under the burden of being exploited.

There is a reason those in power do not want people reading Mein Kampf to this day, as Hitler lays out the entire scheme which has overtaken the world. It has all though been stigmatized by propaganda, when the fact is every person in power has read this book and is manipulating the masses with what was revealed.

There is now something the Lame Cherry is about to liberate you from your ignorance by explaining to you that Adolf Hitler never was a Nazi or National Socialist. Instead der Fuhrer understood that the degradation of mankind laid in the feudal Marxist of communist state created by the financiers to exploit nations cheaply and manage them completely. National Socialism was the most ready choice in Germany, and that is what Adolf Hitler incorporated for his vision of a productive and governed society for the advancement of humanity by those who worked, invented and prospered as this was the historical master race.

Now for those still in denial  and plagued by propaganda, explain then if Adolf Hitler was so wrong, then why has EVERY nation on earth since World War II, converted to National Socialism? Socialism is the means where the conglomerates manage society, for the financiers, exploiting the masses, and protected by the police state. From London, to Moscow, to Peking, to Washington, Adolf Hitler's genius now rules the entire world, but Hitler is deemed the devil, and all of the ruling oligarchs are praised as astute leaders.

I will state again, except of Jesus the Christ, no person in history has been so successful in transforming the entire world on an ideology. Hitler has been proven right, because the elite all chose Hitler's governance, and for that Adolf Hitler is completely vindicated.

It is the most difficult reality to admit that we are all Hitler's children in it is his system which the world chose, and his system won out,  because it was the most pragmatic exploitation of humanity. For those who attempt to deem themselves superior, where is their superior nature in adhering to an American Constitution or the writings of Martin Luther, when all is evident they are the same socialists of the conglomerate state for which they stand.

It is the comedy of the greatest theater in human history in Adolf Hitler rules the entire world as the victor in the 21st century, but none of those in power in his name will admit to it.

Nuff Said
