Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Man and His Dog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ran across these series of photos of a man from Idaho and his dog. As you can see he is a typical nice American guy and you can see his puppy is his best friend and the nicest dog in the world.

I want you to remember that, as I have always told people here that hunting dogs should not be owned by people who do not hunt, for the simple reason there is something in those dogs that once it triggers, they come alive like no other time in their life, as they finally realize who they are and they are finally complete.

The next series of photos are the above puppy and her mate literally digging out a badger. Having been around badgers and seen them kick everything's ass and rip the side of a building off in a trap, what takes place in these photos just is amazing.

For some background, these are Mountain Curr based bloodline dogs. In fact the featured dog here, is from the Odon Corr lines of North Dakota, a legendary predator man, who was a government trapper.
The brown dog is a Mountain Curr, Jack Russell and Airedale cross. The other dog is a Mountain Curr and Plott Hound. All some of the finest trapping, tracking and hunting dogs ever created by the human race.

They are both 50 pounds and the owner said this friendly dog is literally pathological when it comes to badgers. She simply hates them with a passion.

Now for the photos of a dog doing what she loves best in life, as this is what she was bred and born to do, and all she is in her heart.

We begin with the dirt flying as the dogs have found a badger in the den and the are digging it out, which is amazing. I had a Spaniel something cross who would go nuts in gophers like this. She also was hilarious to  watch in winter as she would get a stone, throw it into a snow drift, and dig like crazy for it, throw in the air and repeat the process.
She was a tough little shit too.


I have a cur/jack-dale who comes from Corr lines and a cur/Plott. Both great dogs in their own way. I can

Remember as you are looking at this photo, that this dog's head is meeting a head full of fangs, and feet of claws. You can not beat a badger to death. as they are that tough.

The girl waited, learned to grab the badger on the side of the neck so she would not get bit or killed, and dragged that predator from the den. Seriously, if you had this badger on a chain and trap, and you pulled for all you were with, you would rip your back out and that badger would not move.

Next up, the expert badger dog has without getting killed as the badger would kill this dog, has worked her way to the top of the neck and now you are witnessing the power of those jaws, and the dogs powerful neck muscles as she is snapping this badger's spine for an instant kill.

Lastly the Badger Beast Killer, still enjoying the fury of the kill. This dog though if the owner approached and petted her would not bite as there are two worlds in this, the badger world and the pack world..
This is one of the most amazing series of photos I have ever witnessed from the shit flying from the burrow to the dog working this badger to kill it.

In closing, take a look at the first photo of the dog happy as can be in the back of the pick up looking like Lassie. The thing is though the last photo of this dog, she is happy even if she does not look like in snarling. This is the reality of hunting dogs, and most dogs are hunting dogs, and like herding dogs, they do not belong unused and not being activated as they should be to enjoy their lives.

This is one of thee most amazing dogs in a world of amazing hunting dogs.

Nuff Said
