Sunday, September 2, 2018

Yes, Ivanka McCain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a great deal of backlash against Ivanka Kushner for texting during the John McCain funeral, but before we cast the first stone in all of this anti Semitism against this Jewess, perhaps we should all examine the exclusive of exactly what Ivanka Kushner in all of her grief.

The Lame Cherry commends Senator Lindsey Graham for following this blog's advice in defying John the hero McCain, and reaching out to Cindy McCain, in his personally inviting Ivanka and Jared Kushner to the John the hero McCain funeral.
This is most fitting as now that Mike Pence and John Kelly are performing a coup, in using the Senate to smear and remove Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo from office, that Senator Lindsey Graham will rightly become Secretary of State Lindsey Graham.

“Ivanka Trump was asked to attend the funeral by @LindseyGrahamSC when they met on Capitol Hill earlier this week and she shared her condolences, per a White House official. Graham said it would be a nice gesture for Ivanka & Jared to attend, but cleared it w/ Cindy McCain first,” wrote Rogers on Twitter.

Ivanka Kushner  texting...... 

John the hero McCain setting the proper etiquette at a national funeral.

 John McCain dozing respectfully

Not all of us can be a national example like John the hero McCain at state funerals, in dozing respectfully. Some of us in our grief like Ivanka Kushner, are so moved to cry out in our smart phones to her friends like Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, in Ivanka's moment of grief to send out this plea.......

If only John the hero McCain was my father,
I could be Meg McCain.

The Lame Cherry could not agree more with the Ivanka Kushner statement on John McCain, one of many patriots in America from Patrick Henry to Benedict Arnold.


.......and who among us would not relish being the weighty presence of Meghan McCain?


 The Grief of Meghan McCain Filling The Pulpit

“America does not boast because she does not have need to. The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great.
 The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege.”
Meghan McCain Assassination Eulogy

Yes the vision of Meghan McCain, in that funeral glow, praising John the hero McCain, would move all of us grief stricken John the hero McCain followers, is that spectre that all of us yearn to be, the daughter of John the hero McCain filling up a cathedral with our presence.

Once again though in the Lame Cherry grief, in listening to the words of George W. Bush, the man who defeated John the hero McCain in classic political election theft, that I noticed someone peeking out from behind the curtain to the right of the clergy.
Upon blowing up this photo,  the pixels were stretched, but I swear this is John the hero McCain smiling and enjoying all of this adoration of himself, as who could not.

It almost makes one believe that with all these emerging photos which are appearing online, that John the hero McCain is really alive.
Dare I allow myself to believe such a joyous wonder!!!

Glad to see you made it to the funeral  Johnny!!!

