Sunday, September 2, 2018

Donald Trump needs to Adopt Meghan McCain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think it is time that we all need to start defending Meghan McCain as can a woman who has John the hero McCain for a father, actually be held responsible for how uncivilized she acts, when she has been exposed to a man who stole another Naval Officer's wife, wed her, then cheated on her and dumped her for a beer heiress in Cindy McCain who in 2008 we all  thought the woman was Stepford Wife strange.

The New York Post has joined the Monday Morning Quarterbacking of shining the light upon how poorly Meghan McCain's conduct was. It is a point on this issue  that perhaps we should be wondering how psychotic this woman really is, as she was never prepared for any of this.

It seems John the hero McCain trained his daughter to think with her tits, in jutting them out at cameras was some sort of McCainness. Apparently tits that appeared out of control, pointing in opposite directions like bulldogs in a flour sack was something the McCain parents were extremely proud of. Perhaps this was the first accomplishment Meghan ever made in getting her tits guided into bra.


It seems Meghan could only attract or was attracted to dwarf Mexican perverts, but fetish tastes are not something to be condemned. It simply is a matter that John the hero McCain condoned and prompted his daughter to act like a whore.

Yes Meghan claimed in posting these photos that she had no idea she was posting tittie pictures on Twitter, as she was unaware she could not breathe in a bustier which was crushing her rib cage.


Apparently Meghan tried to expand her whorish appeal in her chubby little legs with prostitute toenails, as some sort of come on to George Stephanopoulos between her legs. Now who can blame Meghan for wanting that sexy George as her dildo in the flesh as Monica Lewinski tried to get George to put it into her pen too.


Sure we could play the game THINGS FATTER THAN MEGHAN MCCAIN, but the game would end in moments as nothing is as fat as Meghan McCain. Things are really bad when the fatties on The View combined do not make up the tonnage of Meghan McCain, and that Whoopie Goldberg is starting to look thin when Meghan is around.

Meghan is under a great deal of stress, not her father's passing of course, but she is married to a man that she knows is only with her until the job opportunities run out, as without John the hero McCain, how long do you think CBS is going to be paying the 6 figures to him.
Sure Meghan is a trust fund plumper so when ABC fires Meghan off the View, she is still set for life, but her husband really does not have a great deal going on, and once the job runs out, he will be tapping into the trust fund divorce settlement in hooking up with some bimbo like Dinesh D'Souza found a thing girl to sweat his Bombay in.

So the Lame Cherry in chivalry says let's just give Meghan McCain some room for growth, spiritual growth, as her fatty size is going three zip code in she is like the billion people of China in a consuming force. We have seen after 2008 in which she thought she could be George Will, how stupid she is. Then she got that radio show to show she could be Rush Limbaugh, and we heard how stupid she is. Then we saw her on the View to show she could be Elizabeth Hasselbeck, and we saw how stupid she is.
So is her pulpit assassination of a president really nothing we were surprised over, as she is just performing her stupidity pattern which she has perfected under the guidance of her heroic father.

The Lame Cherry is sincere in this offering to help Meghan McCain. I think that President Donald Trump should declare her a national emergency disaster area. Meghan should be hauled out by a military airlift cargo plane, the kind they move tanks around in, and dump her off at Ivanka's plastic surgeon to suck those pounds of fat out of her, and do some work on her to make her look like Ivanka.
The point in this is, that Donald Trump signs a Presidential directive and he adopts Meghan McCain, and for that matter adopts the rest of the children that John the hero McCain abandoned or ruined by his fatherly direction.
Donald Trump is a great father and would never send his kid out to ruin themselves for him. I suspect that Donald Trump as Meghan's father could turn her around, the boys would become Admirals, and well Bridget seems ok as she seems to loathe what John the hero McCain was, but she might like to be known as Bridget Trump.

So for all of us, let us petition the President to adopt Meghan McCain as she is in need of a father and Donald Trump is a great father.

Who knows maybe Meghan Trump might be the first female President of the United States if she had a father who really cared and loved her.

Nuff Said
