Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Blood in American Streets promised by 78 year old Duffer Actor

I am a dangerous criminal with nothing to lose!!!

James Cromwell Sentenced to Jail After NY Power Plant Protest Arrest – Variety

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Leftist Actor James Cromwell: ‘There Will be Blood in the Streets,’ Violent Revolution if Democrats Lose in November

I am going to bore you to death!


It took all these Yank  coppers to bring me in!!! 

My toothless gums are lethal weapons! 

My geezer dandruff will defy your counter attacks!

I killed a dinosaur in a movie. So watch out!!!

I will be leading from behind my locked gates in my mansion!

No one expects the Cromwell Inquisition!

You better watch out as that Englishman turned me into bacon!
