Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Tail of the Two Tailed Milky Way

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have been noticing some creepy things in  the night sky which are unsettling. Some are just flukes of nature as in the other night a cloud bank was in the eastern sky low, and as we drove home this huge object appeared which looked completely out of place. Of course it was the harvest moon, but it was immense and partly  obscured so it took on a menacing persona in being huge.

Then last night when we returned home, there was the Milky Way, but this time the western edge of it literally split into a swallow tail. Neither of us has ever noticed this previously as the Milky Way is supposed to be this glowing band a cross  the zenith of the sky, and not something that splits into a tail.

Lastly last night I took a photo with my old Kodak digital camera, which was the last coupon that Amazon ever offered me, and the moon was huge, but  it was flat on top. I realize that the earth is tilted south in the northern hemisphere, but there was not any comforting symmetry of a normal moon. Also I seem to remember that harvest moons  were full for Halloween and not already waning or going flat top.

I know I have seen moons like this previously and they do occur, but all of this stuff just gives one the feeling of foreboding in something is not right at all with any of this.

It is all like everything is not in the right place and things are off.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

