Saturday, October 6, 2018

Classic Illustrated Moby's Dick

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

School ruined me for literature, as what the pointy heads think is literature is shit in a stitched binding. I remember in year 11 of primary school, with literally 9 days to go, our teacher, Mr. Lucifer decided we needed some literature to read, as we had not wasted enough time on shitty prose and God knows what that year, so he chose Grapes of Wrath.

I looked at him, read about the first chapter, closed the book, and copied the study sheet of a kid who read the book that weekend. I think I was graded a C on the test but I could have cared less as no one rides this pony with a whip around the track one more time when the race is over.

I detest Steinbeck in his grubby America of daughter in laws pushing cocks back into their father in laws soil under clothes, to the Steinbeck being brilliant my teacher said in a character with the initials of JC for Jesus Christ, with the ending of a grown man sucking a birth mother's tits to survive. It was all perverted and disgusting. It did not belong in children's hands nor in any civilized nation.

That is why I rarely read literature as it is shitty. I prefer memoirs and technical books as  they are real. So this is a violation of my principles in I am reading Moby's Dick at this time. No not the porn version, but the version by Herman Melville, which children in library put an apostrophe S after Moby to have fun, as no one ever reads these books by choice.


 Stick your big harpoon in my meat there head hunter.

What would move me to read Moby's Dick? Pretty simple really in it was I think a dime in the junk store, was in the old books section and best of all it was ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS for children.
Now I don't know about you, but a book with half as many pictures as pages with words on them, is my kind of book. Well my kind of book was really watching PBS or some network program which made a movie about a book, so I could do a book report on it. That was my kind of literature, as that War and Peace bullshit out of Russia, I mean Henry Fonda sucks and that movie was too long and boring, as no one wants to watch prissy Russians with Napoleon. Like watching to fags sip wine at each other in glaring stares.

TL tells me that TL had an entire set of these books as a child, but the parentals sold them all, or more to the point mother parental sold all of TL's books from childhood on a yard sale.
Yes raising the well rounded TL had it's limits as that literature just cluttered things up, and you can't keep a child in misery if they are escaping off into books.

So I am reading Herm Melville's Moby's Dick, and like all literature it sucks in the first 5 chapters, which is why people stop reading that shit. I am starting to like it now not in the stoopid ivory bone leg of Ahab drilled into the deck, but Filipino whale assassins are on board and Ahab nails a Spanish sovereign to the mast......that would be a gold coin, not Ferdinand as a bounty on Moby Dick.

I know now that John Steinbeck stole his JC from Melville in plagiarism, as Herm has Elijah on the docks being a prophet and Ahab the bad man, all Biblical stuff, and all stupid like headhunters as harpooners, as only Nigs, Bucks and Headhunters make good harpooners to the whale poontang. That is off subject but you see Herm tainted all writing in America with his swarthy shit of getting the darkies to do a man's job because the white folks get their legs bit off by white whales.

What this post is about though is Illustrated Classics. I am going to look for a set and read the pages as a diversion of all great literature, and no not Gropes of Nipples, as I doubt that made it into the classics for children, as the artwork would be pure porn. It would be a good thing not for children to be tortured with but adults, as you could read this shit and then talk about it, as no one else has read it, and you could say things like,"SCUTTLE BUTT", no that is a bastardization of SCUTTLE BUCKET, in the shared buckets passed in line to the SCUTTLE, which was the daily fresh water supply on  the deck of a sailing ship.

Yeah and looking for pictures to illustrate who pops out by Gregory Prick.........I am sure he ruined Moby Dick and why I will not watch the movie.

I am Gregory Prick and I approve of Moby's Dick

The army uses that often enough, but it is from the sea, and no one knows where gossip came from in scuttle, but that is the origins of if. I doubt knowing that will get your laid or a million dollars, but saying smart things once in a while makes people think you are not as stupid as they are. Just do not say it too often or you get a reputation of being odd in telling stories like I do all the time.

I am not at the end of the book, though I did peek at the pictures, and it seems a ripping good tale in men in the ocean, crashed boats and spewing water. It is my kind of good time in I do not have to read volumes and spend weeks reading a stupid book to get to the punch line which is dull and obvious. I have better things to do in writing for no donations as that Donald Trump has dried up rich people's money like shruken testicles on a gay man.

With that image, we now close out Moby's Dick.

No can't do that, but see all people got that sex thing going on with Moby's Dick.

Never give up Moby as your Dick has a Port in Hot Chics

Nuff Said


