Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Big Foot of Owls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After our walk today, we came in and TL was listening and said, "There are hawks outside in the trees talking".
I stopped and listened as we had the windows open and replied, "Those are the jays, they are notorious for making hawk noises to scare away the other birds".

I was not paying a great deal of attention as they were really going at it, and usually it is only one just driving other birds away from the feeder, as they make the red tail screech. It was when I looked out a bit later and they were still going at it, that I saw a horned owl hung up and hung upside down, that it began to make sense.
Made more sense as when I was doing chores a red tail hawk had come through the yard  lower than usual, and as red  tails are rodent hawks, I wondered what was up with that hawk.

It was that owl as everything hates the great horned owl, except people without any sense. Those things kill more kitties than coyotes do. It is how our old she cat got killed last year in a big old female owl drove a claw into her brain and killed her, after a second venture at trying to pick off that white cat.
I look back on that owl, swooping through the yard later, acting like it owned the place, surveying it, and landing on our light pole, and someone who will not admit to it, put a 22 through it's chest and killed that murderous feathered satanic beast. It was too late for Princess, but that bitch paid and it still felt good.

This owl though apparently did not have God smiling on it, as it was hung up, and it quite smilingly died. I dropped it to the ground and everyone was quite happy. The blue jays stopped making hawk calls and all went sedate again.

All kinds of animals make different sounds. The other night I was armed with a water jug and flash light, when I went out into the pitch black and ran off big foot. At least that is what I told TL, but it was a pair of deer, but I have never heard deer make those kinds of odd sounds. They were still calling by the road 50 yards away in that same tone.
Nothing is less comforting than being in the dark without a gun, and having animals trying out new sounds on you to try and scare the hell out of you.

Owls make bizarre noises in mating, territory and and night. While I hate horned owls, we had two burrowing owls here just outside of town which I showed TL and we both adored them.
They were most amusing as I got out and told TL, those are burrowing I had only seen a pair here when I was a child. One was sitting on a sign, and the other was in the ditch. The one made me laugh as it was just glaring at me with the worst scowl.
They live in rodent holes and are quite beneficial, while the only thing beneficial about a horned owl is when they are dead.

As there are stupid fines associated with killing horned owls, no one does it. Nice part is the regime can try and collect from God, as they can fine Him all they like, and He ain't paying for offing those damned owls. God does not make mistakes, but He must have thought twice about T Rex, Barracuda and horned owls. Just nothing good comes from them like cabbage worms.

That though was my education today in knowing everything in discovering flocks of jays hate horned owls as much as I do and go into hawk call frenzy to try and drive them off, living or dead. Like my coyotes, I prefer my owls dead, very dead and them dying in some ghastly way makes their deaderness even more lovely.

Chit, I just thought in the game warden who never works is moving to the other side of the county. I should sneak up and stuff that owl in his official pick up as a going away present. Probably be a story in the paper him finding one of these wonderful owls dead in his pick up and warning the public to park their vehicles inside as owls fly into vehicles and kill themselves.
I know some enterprising dolts used to find dead ones and wrap fishing line around them, and hang them from trees for sport. They caught lots of experts on that stuff, and a grand crusade began to scold fishermen to dispose of their line properly in how dangerous it all was.

The rural folk are such dicks in the chit they pull. I still want to get a big foot costume and have TL drop me off, and then run across the road in front of cars in the black of night to scare the hell out of people. Have great plans in this to leave footie prints, download some big foot howls to play around people's houses that I can not stand, and then just enjoy the festivities. That though will take that big donation as I need an electronic animal call and the time as now I am too poor and busy burying God deceased owls.

Nuff Said

