Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lame Cherry 2018 Midterm Election Analysis

The wife refuses to have sex with me if I'm not Senate leader,
she is voting democrat, and I wonder why no one ever asks her
if she is the New York Times deep throat.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not inquired on this, but this is a based on the voice whispering inside of me, after the sham of the Kavanaugh Ford hearings in the Senate.
The way it feels to me in the GOP Senators coming out swinging for  an Obama judge is they are worried that the margins to steal elections are too thin, and they just might lose the Senate. That matters, because the inside game is for the GOP to deliberately lose the House.
The reason for this is to impeach Donald Trump, but hold off on the trial in 2020, in order to force Trump to not run, and Mike Pence to be the GOP insider for the Bush fam, and no doubt appoint Jeb! as his VP.

Trump and the RNC left too many democrats unopposed. That means they did not want the House to be held. As Paul Ryan has been mum on all of this, it is a given as Newt Gingrich now announces that the GOP next week will release a new Contract with America.............all that points to the GOP screwed this over so bad in screwing over Trump voters who wanted MAGA and they deliberately sat on  their asses for 2 years, that the GOP might just be annihilated come November in both Houses.
The democrats could have such a super majority that they could impeach everything that moved, including the Supreme Court justices and keep impeaching until they put Nancy Pelosi in the White House.

So that is what my voice inside of me is whispering in all of this fraud. Gingrich using the talking point of Results against Resistance, is reminding voters that the GOP did nothing for 2 years with a Republican President in the White House. America would have gotten the same results with Hamrod Clinton in the White House, and considering how Bill  Clinton rigged the economy to prosper his people, America just might have been better off economically under Hamrod than the GOP.

That is about all the paragraphs that this requires. Mitch  McConnell whining means the Senate is in jeopardy of being lost. Paul Ryan being silent, means the House is lost.. As I have not been rewarded, but penalized by non donors, none of this matters to me as I have no horse in this race and this nation is so corrupt I no longer care about politics.

I'm fed up with Trump WWE in his not releasing FBI files to protect MI6 which instigated Russiagate. This not being put an end to is just more drama that I do not need in not having a home or money for the future. Watching rats gnaw off their legs is not interesting from the first bite.

I would that the GOP would be given super majorities and Donald Trump could rise up to be a nice American Tyrant, a real despot, a mirror image of Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hilter, but protecting Americans. That is what I would I love and what I hoped for, but what the reality is Donald Trump for the DIA is off playing Russian Roulette in Eurasia and with Trumpflation and Visa  Vermin, America is finished.

There is probably more to this, but it is autumn and in all this cold and stress, I caught a cold and my head hurts so I simply have no interest in  this nonsense, as I am not about to promote a system that is the same system I was not going to promote again.

The only thing for certain is, if the GOP wins, you will not get anything. If the democrats win, you will not get anything. It will just be more drama to divert the attention away from the reality of what a waste all of this is.

But Steve Bannon predicts a 2020 race of Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and or Michael Bloomberg or Mitt Romney.  I would bet it would be more like Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton and it doesn't matter.

Time for something carbonated to soothe me or to at least pass the time till the next hour comes.

Nuff Said
