Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lame Cherry told yuo the Scent of Hamrod's Snatch was on the Kavanaugh Smear

Does it smell like Depends or Huma fishy...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I told you this was Bill and Hillary Clinton's faction for her 2020 presidential bid after Donald Trump is impeached in the House, and now the connections are filtering through

The Closet Hamrod with adoring Attorney


Sorry black man faux Clarence Thomas, the scent is not pubic hair, but lesbo wetty snatch.

Hillary’s Fingerprints are All Over Kavanaugh Inquisition

Come on you non donors, show you got the ovaries to donate the six figures as you know you want to please God with the big bucks.

 That's the wrong kind of bitch puss Fido.
