Saturday, October 13, 2018

Neo Propaganda for St. Carter and St. Brzezinski

Yeah we sure fucked that one up too.....

Justin Vaïsse, Zbigniew Brzezinski: America’s Grand Strategist , translated by Catherine Porter (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2018), 505 pp., $35.
Stuart E. Eizenstat, President Carter: The White House Years , Foreword by Madeleine Albright (New York: Saint Martin’s Press, 2018), 999 pp., $40.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

“Few administrations,” writes Vaïsse, from Brzezinski’s perspective but in the context of the administration he served, “have known so many tangible successes … in only four years.”

I honest to God was floored with the death of Zbginew Brzezinksi and the pending death of former President Jimmy Carter that two works of historical rewrite akin to Ben Affleck's Argasso or whatever that was named have appeared, which actually have the audacity to claim Carter and Brzezinski were geniuses at foreign policy.

Nothing could be further from the FACTS.

It is this whopper which starts out this farce.

 In retrospect, this proved to be a well-choreographed presidential pas de trois: Nixon who kept America in the world but devalued America’s good name, Carter who restored America’s good name but devalued America’s leadership, and Reagan who took America up and brought the Soviet Union down. In so doing, notice, each president became what he did not want to be: Nixon as a dealmaker who originated détente when containment seemed to be running its course, Carter as a reborn hardliner who redirected the power curve of history when Moscow was surging, and Reagan as a peacemaker after the Soviets found themselves hopelessly trapped in Afghanistan. Together they ended the Cold War, with a decisive—nay, indispensable—assist from George H. W. Bush.

Just so you understand the above, Jimmy Carter was "great" because he kept America from electing democrat Hubert Humphrey as President, and Carter being such an absolute failure  sandwiched between the great Richard Nixon and great Ronald Reagan, that Carter in 4 years making America suicidal depressed
that when Ronald Reagan appeared with joy, it made that joy in American's have more meaning after the Carter depression.

That is absolutely thee most stupid thing ever said in this, since Al Roker of NBC said Ronald Reagan was a "liberal", because Reagan was successful at changing things as a Conservative.

The Lame Cherry is once again going to list the absolute DISASTERS of Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski as EVERY problem America has had festering ALL go back to these two fuck ups and when nuclear war comes to America, it is because of Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski failures.

The problem America has with communist China all started with Jimmy Carter's One China Policy.

Milestones: 1977-1980 - Office of the Historian

China Policy. During Jimmy Carter's presidency, the most dramatic moment in Sino-American relations occurred on December 15, 1978, when, following months of secret negotiations, the United States and the People's Republic of China (PRC) announced that they would recognize one another and establish official diplomatic relations.

The problem America has in nuclear Iran is Jimmy Carter as Carter threw out the peaceful Shah for an MI6 Muslim terrorist.

Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Disaster in Iran

During the 1970's Iran's Shah propelled Iran into becoming a dynamic middle-east regional power. The Shah implemented broad economic and social reforms, including enhanced rights for women, and religious and ethnic minorities.

Communist China in control of the Panama Canal, that is Jimmy Carter.

Carter agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama - Sep 07 ...

On this day in 1977, President Jimmy Carter signs a treaty that will give Panama control over the Panama Canal beginning in the year 2000. The treaty ended an agreement signed in 1904 between then-President Theodore Roosevelt and Panama, which…

 The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets that was Jimmy Carter.

As A Reaction To The Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan In 1979 ...

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, President Jimmy Carter had three main reactions. Carter did not like the idea of the Soviets invading Afghanistan and so he set out to try to show his disapproval.

The creation of Muslim terrorists, that was Jimmy Carter in response to the invasion of Afghanistan.

How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen

How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen ... that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention.

The politicizing of the Olympics and the destruction of America's family farms all arose from the Carter boycott of the Soviet Union, which invaded Afghanistan, because Carter was such a feckless leader.

Jimmy Carter's Disastrous Olympic Boycott - POLITICO Magazine

The boycott had been ordered by President Jimmy Carter in response to the recent Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, ... Jimmy Carter, the Olympic Boycott, ...

United States grain embargo against the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

The United States grain embargo against the Soviet Union was enacted by Jimmy ... Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter was not ... to sell the same ...

 Yes and in all of this destroying the American economy, creating Muslim terrorists, Jimmy Carter was such a horrid leader that two new terms had to be created in STAGFLATION FOR THE ECONOMY.

An Overview of Economic Stagflation in the 1970s

Learn about stagflation in the American economy during the 1970s and President Jimmy Carter's efforts to combat economic weakness and unemployment.

With the other word MALAISE, the Carter Malaise was a national psychological depression having been exposed to Jimmy Carter for 4 years in everyone wanted to die.

Examining Carter's 'Malaise Speech,' 30 Years Later : NPR

Thirty years ago, President Jimmy Carter diagnosed the nation with "a crisis of confidence," and Americans' reception of the criticism was overwhelmingly positive.

And when Carter was not pricking around as he usually was, he got the leader of Egypt assassinated with his Camp David Accords, which in turn created something we remember in Benghazi in the Obama Muslim terror uprisings.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated - UPI Archives

Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and US President Jimmy Carter confer in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington prior to the peace treaty signing on March 26, 1979.

It seems to be the reality that like John McCain, the worst failures in history commission propagandists to produce fiction about them after they die, and upon their pending death as is the case with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter.

There is one absolute reality in that period of 1980 AD in the year of our Lord, that all of America thought that if Carter was re elected, that America was going to be destroyed by a nuclear war, as Carter had left the US military in such a shambles as her jets could not even fly.

As noted by Vaïsse, Brzezinski was “not a key player” at Camp David, and for Panama, the region he knew least, “his role was secondary.” Unlike or at least more than “his” president, writes Eizenstat, Brzezinski “saw every issue of foreign policy through the anti-Soviet lens of a true Cold War warrior.” His views, adds Eizenstat, “were more heavily colored by the geopolitics [of the Soviet Union] than by the justice of either side’s claims”—with China, which Vaïsse describes as Brzezinski’s “personal success,” in Afghanistan where he allegedly set a “trap” for Moscow, and in the Gulf where, still according to Vaïsse, the Carter doctrine was “really a Brzezinski doctrine.”

The epitaph of Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski is the numbers of dead American, the terror events, 9 11, the Gulf Wars and  yes the hostage crisis in Iran.

Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary -

The immediate cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter's decision to allow Iran's ... covert operations during the Cold War, ... On Election Day, one year ...
In that epitaph though are the damning words of Jimmy Carter who stated that if he had simply started a war with Iran, that Carter would have been re elected.  Think about that for a moment in Jimmy Carter thought about starting a war to stay in power. His mind actually contemplated that horrific outcome, but Carter was so completely out of touch, that he never realized that America was so finished with Jimmy Carter that even with a divided Republican ticket in Ronald Reagan and John Anderson, Carter LOST IN A LANDSLIDE to Ronald Reagan.
Mickey Mouse could have beat Jimmy Carter in 1980 AD in the year of our Lord, because the Carter Brzezinski policies were terrifying Americans, and fittingly, their policies are still terrorizing Americans as every problem America has is due to these two incompetent malefactors.

Jimmy Carter at the start of the nuclear North Korea disaster

The Part of Jimmy Carter's Legacy Everyone Wants to Forget ...

The Part of Jimmy Carter's Legacy Everyone Wants to ... Jimmy Carter and Kim Il Sung, ... where North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ordered military units into ...

And who in the hell do you think installed that foreign tar baby Obama into the White House over an American?

Obama Muslim Terror Leader meets with Brzezinski Muslim Terror Godfather

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Obama Oil War Crimes
