Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tell me where it hurts.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the memoirs of Commander Heinz Schaeffer, I am always amazed at German humor, as it is the foundation of American humor, satire, sarcasm and comedy. The following example is perfect of really the progenitor of a modern Snowflake.

It all begins in the last year of the war, where the crew is sitting around having drinks when someone approaches them. It is a doctor, who introduces himself and then goes into the following 4F excuses to get out of serving.

He really did not want to serve in a U Boat and was in ill health. It was something to do with his ears. He knew if he got this ears checked thoroughly, he would get off the boat.

The crew noting what a moron they had on their hands, did the typical German thing and began telling him what bad times they lived in, and that he better get his will made out before they shipped out

The doctor noted they were still in port and of course he was about to get a medical leave, to which the crew replied, "No, we ship out in four days and that was that as he was stuck".

They then told him that he better send home his wedding ring and watch, and tell the home folks good bye as the was not coming back for sure.

Even the excuse of the doctor that he was a gynecologist was no excuse, as he said he just could not treat wounds.

In four days the submersible left port and began a very long journey, which actually took them to the South Atlantic on the equator. This is where things did not go so well for the doctor, as ships always have ceremonies in crossing the equator. Mostly it was tattoos, but in the old days they keel hauled people and other harsh measures.
For the doctor and most of the crew they got a spray of oil, vinegar and pepper down the throats, whacked with as sword, run through a bilge of black slime and dunked into a herring barrel head first.

It appeared a few days later that the doctor did not respond well to the initiation, because he complained his stomach did not feel well, and announced he was certain he was going to die.
For the first time the doctor was right and he did die.

They buried him at sea and the crew felt some remorse in the doctor did think he was going to die and they made fun of it. The reality is though all of these crews knew they were dead when they shipped out so it was the gallows humor in these were 18 to 23 year old boys, who were dealing with death every day in their friends and their mortality. Humor was all they had, and when a whining moron appeared who thought they should die and he should be sent home, it was naturally going to receive the response it did.

It was though all positively German, and German American, as that is what is really at the heart of the turmoil in America, is the foundation Saxon race who shrug things off and make the best of the situation, and this cull group of always wanting to tell the world where it hurts.

Nuff Said
