Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Female Erection for Donald Trump

Yes we have a divided America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I tell you sisters that Debra Messing has had the female erection for Donald Trump in the hottest way. She is like Alyssa Milano, Ashley Judd and that vixen Jim Acosta. They all just want daddy to put them over his knee and play, "Daddy brings home the lolli"

See this is the headline.

Debra Messing prefers Donald Trump to Susan Sarandon in elevator

Debra Messing would rather be trapped in an elevator with President Donald Trump than with Susan Sarandon.. The "Will & Grace" star revealed her preference in response to a viewer call on ...

Donald John boasted in 2016 that he could mow people down in the streets and his supporters would still love him, but the fact is Donald John has the game going on and all these women just want his power penis to plough their pussies. That is what the Ashley Judd pussy hat was for. All these women want Donald John to grab that kitty and make them mew to put the bitch they are on the leash.
See that is what these leftists want. They want a man to order them around to get a beer, get their cigar, get their slippers, put something on to show their tits off to the men friends and put shorts on to mow the lawn to show the neighbors what a nice piece of ass Donald is getting.

You don't get it in that Marionette Catholic Melania. The worst thing Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal could have done is gone public in Donald John making them his cum dump, because Melania loves this stuff. She is not weak like Jackie Kennedy getting hosed by William Holden and making John jealous. No sisters, Melania loves it that all these women want her husband's cock, and he hoses them down, and comes home to her. It is like Bill Clinton without the rape in Hillary Clinton just loved it that so many women wanted to put there honey on Bill's stick, as it gave old Hamrod standing.

Just look at this though in your choice if you were in an elevator, would you choose Susan or Donald?


The Donald Ride is in the Building...


This is Donald........absolutely no interest there in wanting to be stuck in an elevator.

Then there is Susan.

 As comforting as Mother's Milk

Who would not want to be stuck in an elevator with those large comforting breasts? She is the mother's milk of comfort. Tim Robbins was drained of his youth on those bountiful mammary mountains. They made him into a star and almost a man.
Instinct would have you choosing Susan, as she has all the comforts of home, to make a bad situation good. I bet if Christine Blasey Ford would have had a few minutes with Susan, she would have been thanking Brett Kavanaugh for trying to rub his penis on her, as comforting breasts just have that kind of affect on people, men and women.

 Is that Donald Trump in an elevator?

Yet we have this before us in the flat chested, plumper, with legs like a lumberjack, lezbionitis Debra Messing, rejecting the mother of all breasts in Susan Sarandon, who of course has more intelligence, sophistication and breast than Debra Messing could ever hope for. It simply is unnatural, like Christine Blasey Ford fixating on Brett Kavanaugh's drunken penis. A woman who wants a man to make a woman out of her, is a woman who wants to be stuck in an elevator with that man.

I mean look at the above photo. Messing like quit laying eggs in the last century and she is still dressing up for Donald Trump to play his little girl, like the robust Catholic school girls the priests like to play with as they have more little boy DNA than the boys.
Debra Messing is obviously a woman who wants to be Mrs. Trump, and having lost her slot with Don jr., she is now making her play for Don sr. in telling the world she wants to locked in a sweaty elevator, of perspiring heat, where she will have to get naked, and hoping for an earthquake and Donald Trump having swallowed 3 bottles of Viagra, he falls upon her, like Brett Kavanaugh was accused and she gets some of that man meat between her Debra sandwich which is what all of this has been about.

Sorry Mam, I am waiting for Susan Sarandon's
large comforting breasts to be stranded with. 

I think to solve all of this, that Melania brings in these women who want to be locked in an elevator with Donald Trump and give them a floor ride in the White Hose, yes hose not house. Melania can enjoy the manfeast of women wanting her man, him riding the top floor to her, and these poor wanton women, can have a few moments of Daddy Does Best.
We can even help Christine Blasey Ford. I say give her and Mitch McConnell a 12 pack of tall boys, and after that she will think Mitch is Brett and Mitch will think Christine is either Jared or Ivanka, and we can put all of this stuff behind us, and return to the reality that we all just want to be stuck in an elevator with large comforting breasts.

I feel so secure if stranded here as 
there are large comforting breasts here with me. 

Some people wait their entire lives riding elevators, hoping for a stall, and hoping large comforting breasts have gotten on before the elevator stalls out. That is what is normal, sort of, and why creepy people are always hanging around elevators, as you always see empty elevators around flat chested women like Debra Messing and the elevators with the large comforting breast are always full.

Going Up?
