Sunday, October 7, 2018

Thank you for reading the Blog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sitting down here with a few moments between posts and getting bread out of the oven. Warmer house means showers, as TL and I have been sick with that cold for almost a week and we are in the phase of the snot is like dried Elmer's glue.

The reason for this post is my thoughts have been with my one Canadian donor and the person who sent this nice note too.

Dear LC, I appreciate your conversations about second hand books, stuff in the thrift stores & life around the rural areas. Most recently about the jays and the owls and hate and love swings from the old horned owl to the burroughing owls. Takes me back to my youth and better times out in the evening with the whipporwhills and the bull frogs when them long summers were dragging on an on it seemed at the time. Weird now i hardly have time sit out on the porch and take in a few minutes of fresh air without the job stress pulling on me. Just want you to know I read your blog alot and don't really have extra $ to throw about, but when does anyone have extra anymore anyways? So here's to you and yours. Hope the fifty helps in some way. Hang in there with agtG. It all adds up in the end. 

I get frustrated as I hate the filth of this regime world and it seems to occupy too much time. I honestly did not pick up a Luther's Catechism for a few weeks in the thrift store to let others have it, but as no one did,  I picked it up, and in the coming days, you are going to have hopefully a Lame Cherry Holy Ghost Inspired apology of Martin Luther's work from the 1500's. I wanted to do something good to try and help explain God better for your relationship with Him.

My brother was here and the mother treated him badly and ignored him. Which was designed to keep me as chief slave. He was not impressed, but was trying to figure out how she had gone down so fast from last year, and then I explained things to him.........and will give you this example.

On Monday last when he arrived she was hand shakes and acting like she could not walk. To get her out of the way I just made some soup for her. On Friday when he left we had laid down to take a nap to try and recover and the mother was pounding through the house with the cane trying to wake me up as she wanted to be waited on again and fed.
She had just moved hot soup from the stove and eaten on Monday, but on Wednesday she got the soup out, and then asked if I would open it and fix it for her, after she had been in the kitchen. I responded in the Holy Ghost, with a question in how much did she talk to my brother about getting things done as I had asked? No response of course, so I told her she had to get up and move around to heal, and with that she went off to the bedroom to eat from her stash there.
On Saturday morning she came charging out of her bedroom and in a loud voice said, "We have got to go to the bank today to look at my account".

The reason for this is, is she usually just phones it in, but I put a swipe lock on the phone and she can't figure out how to get in there. The swipe lock went on the phone when she told us to move out. I do not subsidize mean.
With that she has been plotting about once a week to try to get me to open that phone. That is what the bank stuff was about, as we live a long way out in the country and she knew it was Saturday. The Holy Ghost was Inspired again to check things, which was the reality that we used our phone, which she can use any time as it sits here always open, and we called the bank, after she called and said her teller was on vacation.
We e checked her account and knew what she had in there, and I went and told her, as she had gotten the locked phone out of her bedroom, carried it out to the living room, to have me of course fix it.

The look on her face of furious disappointment is one for the ages, as she knew exactly what she had in her account and now was pissed that I found out too, obliterating her best made plans of mice and mother.

I don't share my dirty laundry here with any joy as people will use it against me, but do so to help others in knowing they are not alone with people being absolute pissers. I have enough chit going on, not feeling well, than to have to deal with a woman who is always plotting about something, and swinging from acting like she is at death's door to strolling into the kitchen giving orders.
I have a compassionate heart in caring about anything ailing, and she tries to use that against me. It really bothers me to have someone use health issues which are not real, like one day I walked in when we were suppose to go to town and she was again "puffing" and announcing she could not go along. This time it was her arms were numb. Miracle recovery was when she did not have to wash cat crap clothes, just like miracle was on Monday she just could not go along with my brother, but on Saturday acted like she could have ran 10 miles to town.

I had a good talk with God about it for several hours last night and feel better. All I can do is in Faith hope for the Lord to find some wealthy donors to take the burden off of the few people who do donate and could use the money for their needs. God bless them with a Prophet's Reward and God bless them now with many prosperous returns now in Christ's Name Amen and Amen.

I would relish though sitting on a front porch and listening to the song birds. We have had crapper weather here for some sunless days and it has been chilly. Have problems with this cold in getting air, but what would I do with air anyway but breathe it.
It delights me though to read passages as I do have a nice gift from the Holy Ghost in people mention things and I can see and feel things they explain. Even locked behind this keyboard, I can experience something of the world I long to be cleansed by again.

With that the Puntz is laying behind me on the couch with her head off the cushion looking at me. That is a sign that we must have attention and the bread will soon be calling.......and I have to go check on that uncle to see what drama he has left clues for. The other night his house was lit up like an air base after being in the dark. My cousin dropped off a pie plate I had left over there, so I am trying to figure out what is up with the guy who is supposed to leave the building and looks like he is putting down roots on my place.

I asked my brother what he wanted really, and he said he did not have an idea. I am going to work in prayer for a place for him with some water on it, as we can always knock together some 16 by 32 foot cabin thing.......I was looking at them at a park this past week in they are 14 by 16 feet, just the beds and table, and I think with a deck, bay window and porch that this would work out and be a breeze to heat.

Just need God to make up for the lack of wind in my sails and have things accomplished, as this is really been a drain. God always knows best even if I think it sucks chit through an OPEC plastic straw.

Could you imagine being the Canadian Plains, all those wide open spaces, the fishing of walleyes and pike, the flocks of ducks and geese, moose, elk and deer. God I could wander around in country like that and never get enough.

I had better close this out, but I did hold a Ruger GP an a Ruger Vaqueror and Mark IV in the store when my brother was here.  I liked the new Mark IV, not the weird color ones, the Vaquero did not seem quite right and I was not fond of the 357 mag in the GP. Probably go play with them again to see what I think on another day as a woman always changes her mind.

Thank you for reading the blog.

We had more Nighthawks this year than I have ever seen.

Shorten the days and Jesus come back quickly in His Name Amen and Amen

