Sunday, October 7, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh: Rite of the Sex Pistole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am astonished that liberals are cluing the world in on the perks of Brett Kavanaugh for Americans, as I had no idea all this stuff was just legalized, as I was not paying that close of attention to all the freebies involved, as I missed mine with those lezbos of Kagan and company joining the court.

First up, I had no idea that the Senate voting for Brett Kavanaugh means that rape is legalized in least your first time according to this woman named Coulter.

I want to make sure of this now as according to Shannon Coulter, White men, I don't know if the statute includes fags like David Hogg, or if 15 year olds are men or if this is legal age like 18 or what, because this woman says that White men get to rape stuff, as it is a RIGHT to do this, and apparently it is a right of passage, so.........sorry RITE, as in religious rite, so apparently this has slipped by me for years, in America is a religion which gives White men a first timer rape free. Now I have heard of Ius Primae Noctis in Lords in England getting to polish up the virgin bride for her peasant husband, but this stuff about rape at will for first timers is nothing I ever read in the Constitution, the Bible or in Christian Churches.
I think most Lutheran boys just get that prayer book.

David Hogg though is king of creepy in this adult male keeps posting pictures of little girls. Hogg must be sizing up the quarry for when he goes at it for his first time freebie. He is a liberal and they seem to have this Rite to Rape stuff inside track information which normal people don't have.

He did retweet this, in  affirming that no one cares about rape, so I guess that is liberals are conditioning the mob to assure the that your first time at bat gets you on base.

Be there or be... complicit to the fact that this country just said it doesn’t care about survivors of both sexual assault and gun violence. We can do better. Join us.

I didn't realize  that Brett Kavanaugh had a gun, but David Hogg is now linking rape and guns,and little Negroes prostituted by their parents and the Hogg movement. I thought child exploitation was a crime, but these liberals are sure up on the laws and apparently this is  now legal.

Does seem to have some pet Negro children though. I thought that exploiting Blacks was outlawed, but maybe liberals got that rape stuff linked to owning your own pets again with two legs.

In moving off the Hogg Plantation and back to perks of Brett Kavanaugh, this Muslim babe has turned her perk into a money maker. Apparently she thinks that White men across America are going to Kavanaugh her. I am just speaking historically, but I thought like the Sheik or the Massah, got to rape the tan skins like the sheep in the pen.  Not really rape, but like that English first shine up of the cherry.  You know it was like you pillaged the village and you got a harem to have sex with or if you bought some darkie off the boat, you  got sex with the Negress.  That is where all  them quadroons came from.North Africa was peopled by Berber Muslims kidnapping Europeans and impregnating them.

I know this Muslim is dense as they have like an 85 IQ, in Kavanaugh was not elected to anything, but was CONFIRMED, but all the same this wooly no longer feels safe as she thinks she is Christine Blasey Ford blonde. That is what I think liberals need to warn these tan  skins about in the old laws said darkies were freebies, that the women all looked upon it as a status thing to have half white babies, as the work was easier and they didn't have to have sex with the tan skin males, who never had anything to offer.
Granted, I commend this tan skin Muslim for making a profit off of Brett Kavanaugh, or at least trying to in getting donations, but I can assure her that this popular girl really has to work for donations, as rich folks just do not want to donate money...........unless it  is like that Blasey Ford, where liberals donate to electronically castrate a White male like  Brett Kavanaugh. 750,000 dollars the last time I heard Blasey Ford was sitting on. That is a hell of a 5th Avenue prostitute payment. Hell  Demi Moore only got a million from  Robert Redford and that was with penetration. Christine Ford  got 3/4 of a million and all she had to do was hold her pee.

Well anyway, I am pleased as a popular girl to discover that liberals are stating that Brett Kavanaugh being elected gives  White men a first rape for free as a rite, and religion is protected in the Constitution, so I don't know what this was all about with Kavanaugh as he is Catholic, and that is religion, so according to liberals, he had the rite to give that little boy looking teenager the once over. Odd how this never came up in the hearings, not that Christine Ford got all this free stuff that is subject to IRS taxes, as these donation pages are really money makers.......well for White Ford's.  I doubt this Muslim who needs therapy will get enough to pay for camel sex, but she is at least trying and isn't that what Ivanka Kushner expects little girls to do.

I need to wrap this up, but as it was breaking news, it just had to be posted. I would though warn everyone to not go out and do the things liberals say is legal, because while it was ok for Teddy Kennedy to drown that girl, other people end up in prison. Yeah it is ok for Bill Clinton to rape women, but other people try that and they end up in jail.
Maybe it's like a floater or something in you have to read the fine print. The problem is with these liberals I can not even find what they are quoting in the big print.

Nuff Said

