Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Donald Trump Muslim Problem

So we heard about this incident.........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Our American President has a Muslim problem. He has expanded thee Obama inter Muslim War of Sunni and Shia, into Donald John taking the side of the Sunni Saudi against the Shia Iranian. We have witnessed this catastrophe in Obama expanding Iranian nuclear terrorism to set off Saudi nuclear terrorism, and the John McCain disasters of Americans sponsored terrorism by George Soros in Libya and Syria.

What it has all broken down to, is Kurds were under the cover of ISIS, stealing Iraqi and Syrian oil whose revenues appeared in American politics, in funds coming out of Turkey. That oil is now in American control and is being provided to Tel Aviv, which is why President Assad is staying in Syria.

This is all smarmy and unAmerican, and what is now a festering sore in this is the new phase of WAG THE DONALD as some very furious Turks and Germans are now in the process of starting a deep schism in Donald Trump's Saudi connections in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, who was about as much a journalist as Christine Ford had any male ever wanting to rape her.

Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi (Arabic: جمال خاشقجيJamāl Khāshuqjī, Hejazi: [ʒaˈmaːl χaːˈʃoɡʒi], born 1958– disappeared October 2018) is a Saudi journalist, author, and the former general manager and editor-in-chief of Al-Arab News Channel. He also served as editor for Saudi newspaper Al Watan, turning it into a platform for Saudi progressives

Khashoggi is about as moderate as a Jesuit burning Lutherans at the stake in the Reformation. He is Muslim Brotherhood, which is Egyptian National Socialist, and these were the favorites allied with German Nazis in that era.
This was the broadcast wing of Islamic terrorism for control of the Sunni sect of Islam. To put it Obama mildly, Khashoggi was the revolution in waiting to behead the Saudi royals in "democracy" just as Obama and his French cohorts did in Libya. All this is, is royal terrorists in a fight for control over Sunni Islam against the Obama alternative terrorists by community organized committee of communists.

I will make this simple to understand in Khashoggi was lured into the Saudi Embassy in Turkey for some  legal papers and disappeared.
The Turks have the Saudi Embassy bugged and handed over a rather disturbing tape of Saudi Intelligence putting the hurt on this terrorist. Rumor has it the Saudi royals dispatched a rather large assassination team which executed this problem, cut him up and flew him out of Turkey.

Pay attention to this in who is providing the propaganda. It is the Germans, it is the Turks and it is Jewish media. The Saudi Royals have been involved in regicide and whatever Khashoggi was involved in under American CIA protection, was enough information to be fed to the Royals to take this high level operative out, who was smart enough to not set foot in Saudi Arabia again.

Trust me Donald, I'm always behind you....

German Press Reveals Saudi Spook
Saga Behind Khashoggi Disappearance

PJ Media, by David P. Goldman

Original Article

Germany´s leading right-of-center daily Die Welt this morning reveals that Jamal Khashoggi was not a journalist, but a high-level operative for the Saudi intelligence service, an intimate of Osama bin Laden, and the nephew of the shadiest of all Arab arms dealers, the infamous Adnan Khashoggi. John Bradley reported last week in the Spectator that Khashoggi, who allegedly met a grisly end in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist organization that among other things wants to replace the Saudi monarchy with a modern Islamist totalitarian state


  Trusting Turkey is what Thanksgiving is about...

The Turks were waiting in this with recording equipment. Information was leaked out just in time for Donald John to get his laying on of the hands of another religious culprit who was in a Turkish prison for a photo op. For the background on this, this "Christian minister" who was ready for a photo op with Trump, was accused of being involved with terrorists. Odd are this was Armenians or something else that the Turks would like to wipe out, for their brand of al Qaeda.
The short point in this is, Turkey wanted good press with Trump to get Trump back on board the Turkish Caliph which Sebastian Kurz is rolling back in the Balkans.

Now the United States which Donald Trump has involved in a war with Iran, has been pitted by what Turkey released of Saudi hit teams, is against his Sunni allies. America is now between two murderous factions by Donald Trump opening his mouth and stating he is going to get to the bottom of what happened to this terrorist Khashoggi.

Do not miss that the German press has picked this up. This is German press, being fed German intelligence, directly from Turkish intelligence. That means Angela Merkel who hates Donald Trump has joined Erdogan of  Turkey in a Wag  the Donald in one nasty murder plot in order to burn the United States, disrupt the Sunni favoritism by the Americans, and the benefactor in all of this is the Shia in Iran, who are feeding money to Europe and oil to China on the gold standard.

Now how much would I be worth in your harem?


A nice Saudi Arabian civil war would spike oil price which is what all the powers, including the oil barons of America, would appreciate for a crippling depression. Move this out, Tel Aviv wins, as the Jews would be in control of everything from the Suez to the Iranian border in greater Judea, and who is left holding the war, but Donald Trump and the United States with thee immense oil profits on the horizon.

In reading the posted comments below, the term Washington Post reporter is code of CIA operative. This blog warned that Obama was going to bring this Islamic inter War into the United States and now the groups in Turkish Edom and German Assyria just jerked Donald John's chain and he jumped.
None of  this is an American fight and it should be American policy that the more these Muslims want to slaughter each other the better it would be for the west.

The Americana  are so rash.....and gullible 

Washington Post reporter" was actually a Muslim Brotherhood propagtandist, nephew of arms dealers, friend of Bin Laden and wanting to violently overthow the Saudi government

He was fired in May 2003 by the Saudi ministry of information because he had allowed a columnist to criticize the Islamic scholar Ibn Taymiyya (1263 - 1328), who is considered the founding father of Wahhabism – a movement that the Muslim Brotherhood has always been at odds with. This incident led to Khashoggi´s dubious reputation in the West as a liberal progressive.

So you get this, the Saudi Royals who have been killing off their traitors, apparently were set up with intelligence to execute Khashoggi in Turkey as they knew they could not get him out of Turkey. The Turks set this trap up with the direct help of Angela Merkel, for that Iranian oil, Russian gas and Chinese gold flow into Europe, to make thee Americans to be at odds with their Sunni's.
It was a brilliant strategy and most effective as the same CIA which was involved with MI6 in pissgate offered up one of their double agents to lure Donald John in.

 I'm east German intelligence, Donald,
I will pull you down by your own hand...

This is most likely Angela Merkel's revenge, but I could see the powers behind Sebastian Kurz having set this off for the arising of the Kurz led European super state. Figure that little fag Macron of France with May of England are joined at the hip in this and are quite aware of what the frame up was. It is certain that Vladimir Putin knows exactly what happened, but as America has so infuriated the Russians, the Russians are content to let the Americans bleed out on this one as all of thee parties will only benefit from the Americans and Sunni's having a major falling out.


That's the first I heard of what Angel said Donald....

The Lame Cherry advice in this is, is Donald  Trump says he does not trust everyone in the White House, well this is a perfect example, and Bonzo just got maneuvered into going on record over this incident. That was not diplomatic and it was not diplomatic to get America involved in this Jew Sunni process in the Mideast, with China, Europe and Russia backing the Shia of Tehran, the advice being, drop this as this is a Turkish and Saudi Islam issue, as this was not on American soil and not any American was involved. The United States as a CHRISTIAN NATION is not the policeman to the entire evil world.

allah akbahr
It was all like by an unseen guiding hand....
