Monday, October 1, 2018

The Swiss Cheese Holes in the Christine Blasey Ford Story

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Will the FBI in being activated by Donald Trump ask the questions of who released this photo of Christine Blasey Ford as "her attack photo" when she apparently looked nothing like this at age 15, when they begin grilling Obama's judge of Brett Kavanaugh?

When this blog first published the forensic evidence of Christine Blasey Ford in being a fraud, as she was a manicured stage act from her hair to her glasses as no one would have believed in what she really looks like that anyone would have ever gotten an erection from her, this blog will go one step further in the fraud of at the age of 15, not the photo you have been shown, Christine Blasey looked like an ugly little boy and not a girl.
She was beyond off putting.

See, quite different from the first image of whorish adult with crows feet by her eyes, and the girl  boy who looked like Budger on Cahill US  Marshal.

See Budger from the movies. You see Budger and you say, "No normal guy is going to get horny over that.

The Lame Cherry will provide you with another thing which is missed in Blasey Ford states she went upstairs to pee and was pushed from behind as she reached the top of the steps, and then turned around to see the two boys locking the door.
Blasey Ford would have had to have been shoved 12 feet. That is one hell of a push as she was inside the room. That kind of force would have flattened her or broke something. See distance and Newtonian force does not match another fabrication from this woman.

In addition, you have had to pee while drinking beer. It hurts and you would let your mother burn in a fire to piss first, and yet there is Blasey Ford, saying she has a boy pounding on her groin with his groin, another boy bouncing on a bed on top of them, them rolling on the floor, and her running then into the bathroom.......still no pee action, and then she runs to the street.
That is endless action where in common fear and struggle she would have wet herself, the bed and others.

Two major holes in the Christine Blasey Ford story which no one thought to ask.

This is now compounded in the Lame Cherry exclusives in others have found Swiss Cheese holes in Blasey Ford's story.
Blasey Ford with her spectacle props for the professor illusion, is a real illusion as she is not a registered psychologist at all.

Earlier, Neon Nettle reported on how Dr. Ford claimed that she was a psychologist in her opening statement, yet California records show there's no Christine Blasey Ford registered as a psychologist in the state, which is a legal requirement.

It expands on this farce in Blasey Ford stated what triggered all this "memory flashback" was her remodeling her house with two front doors as she did not want to trapped again in a house, and have drunken teenage boys wrestle her geezer body on a bed.
The problem with that is the therapist who correctly recorded Blasey Ford lying about four boys attacking her had a session in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord. The problem is Blasey Ford had the door put in a year previously. The problem is, is that Blasey Ford committed perjury several times in her sworn testimony.

I frankly have zero belief that President Donald Trump's review of Brett Kavanaugh's background by the FBI will be searching for more than Anita Hill's pubic hair on a coke can. I doubt if Brett Kavanaugh even will present the above information of the fraud of Christine Ford to defend himself, which would then trigger a criminal referral by the FBI for perjury and an expanded Grand Jury investigation of all of these conspirators, which is what should be undertaken if President Donald Trump was interested in the Truth, and not having the Congress handed over to democrats.

I honesty believe this entire Brett Kavanaugh situation was staged. The GOP is going to put him into the Supreme Court no matter what with the intent of having this issue suppress the vote enough in key races as Karl Rove noted on FOX on Saturday September 29th, as some races will be settled by a few thousand votes. Those manufactured GOP losses will allow them to stop MAGA and move for impeachment to place the lovely Mike Pence as the presidential nominee.

Christine Blasey Ford's Lies

1. She needs glasses to see.
2. Brett Kavanaugh attacked her.
3. She was pushed into the bedroom.
4. What triggered her memories was remodeling her house.
5. She is a psychologist
6. She is afraid of flying.

Perhaps it is time Senator Grassley refer Christine Blasey Ford for criminal referral to the FBI.

Grassley Refers Hoax Accuser Claiming
Kavanaugh Raped Woman on Boat in Rhode
Island For Criminal Investigation

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila    Original Article
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley referred potential false statements made by a man claiming Kavanaugh raped a woman on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985 for criminal investigation. A 5th Kavanaugh accuser surfaced Wednesday evening shortly after the 4th anonymous accuser was reported by NBC. The Senate this week investigated a 5th sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. This time, a male wrote a letter to Democrat Senator Whitehouse claiming that a female friend was assaulted on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985 by “two heavily inebriated men she referred to at the time as Brett and Mark.”

That is if they want the Truth and that is if the GOP wants to elect a super majority to Congress to pass all of MAGA?

Gee do you think they really want that after stonewalling for two years?

Nuff said
