Friday, October 26, 2018

Them Damn Mexicans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have to give Donald Trump's Mexican replacement Americans some credit in they are more interesting than rats in a maze as if you watch them they do have patterns.

The white folks do too in the other week I noticed a big red headed dope I went to school with zero on some Afroid halftards talking to them for all he was worth as his pets.
That is the reality of these white folks in they view all these tan skin vermin as pets. Like the gal behind the counter was just cooing over two Nigs from Michigan out here doing some roofing. Why in the hell anyone would hire some shit like that for a cheaper price and when your roof leaks you are stuck with Nigs not in the area to sue, I do not know, but they sure were grinning at the Afriods. One spotted me in my state trooper shades and knew I was not one to pet the coloureds, and immediately his radar went off, and he stopped acting like Chester on Jack Benny and was soon gone.
Lord God the she creature I later spotted with the in these nigger green jammie pants, just made me want to puke.
Another old white woman kept petting this little Beaner in saying how pretty her hair was. I suppose she liked nits on her hands as everyone like head  lice.

I did notice that the Latin American Hondurans like picking boogers and throwing them on the floor. The Mexicans just like having their kids roll around on the floor as some kind of playtime in the ultimate filth. Saw them in a fast food chain and one little fat DNA tard was playing with some Fischer Price toy for a 3 year old, he looked about 5, but that was his brain power and he was happy, as I saw volumes of spit running out of his mouth as he  was sure salivating over that toy and everyone could be stepping over and tracking his spit back into their homes from that little vermin.

I noticed that if you leave used  pain cans sit out, that every Mexican will zero in on them, pick them up, shake them and study them. Mexicans apparently really like paint as it is the ultimate call lure. I figure if America would just put paint cans  on the South Mexican border, the Beaners would all go that way as there is sure some strange allure, male and female with paint cans by Beaners.

Then there was this woman who had on a Halloween mask, some werewolf looking thing. "My first thought was it actually improved her looks".

I did see that Donald Trump is letting in worse shit than Obama ever did. The last part of Obama was letting in these old culls from Latin America, but Trump has upped it in today there was one with a wheelchair sitting there. Brand new wheelchair too boot. Nice that countries are dumping their cripples on American to take care of. That must be part of MAGA in making Americans pay for Mexicans in wheelchairs.
I did have a passing thought about helping her out in pushing her into the street.


This trio though was driving a crashed Buick. Usually Mexicans are fitted with good rides. They always have out of state tags. Saw one from Alabama this week, but they seem to have the nice rides, but this one made me wonder who had that crashed rear bumper thing, and when the Beaner started it, it sounded like she had bolts in her pistons.

So I do study the Beaners, the Coons and the White folks, as Obama used to put it. Studied one like 8 year old dwarf female who came walking by me staring up into my  face like she wanted me to follow her. Yeah I don't care to get sold into a Mexican whorehouse, so whatever that little Jezebel was sent out to do as  she sure as hell was not along with the rest of the Montezuma crowd there today, I do not know, but hey the Whites got coloured pets to feel superior now too, and the Beaners and Afroids got the game down like wolves wagging their tales until they get enough of them and then it is eating the Russians out of the sleigh.

One goddamn thing they go for is paint. Damned thing is these are all dairy whores who will be gone in a week, and have no homes. Odd as hell that the one thing they really get drawn to is paint. I doubt they huff the stuff, but maybe they found a  new way to render dope with it or stretch heroin they sell to White folks.

That is the lesson for today in how great America is again.

Wait a minute....

Now that I think about it, we followed that wheelchair Mexican out to the Buick. How the hell did that woman get into that car that fast? Shit that was a goddamn scam as there is not any way the woman driving that car could have lifted her in, folded up that wheelchair and been out of sight that fast if the cripple was not doing it themselves.
That's the kind of people America needs more of and I am glad Donald John is bringing in millions more of them.

Nuff Said
