Friday, October 26, 2018

Is being Rich a Gift from God

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The question in this teaching from the Holy Ghost reading is" Is being rich a gift or is it as rich people think in they are the gift of God to mankind to be worshiped as superior to all others as money proves God loves them more than the poor?"

The last part is ridiculous as God warns Judgment on the rich as God listens to the cries of the poor and God avenges the poor.

As Paul notes by the Holy Ghost Inspiration in Romans 12: 9

Love (Charity, Caring) must be completely sincere. Hate which is evil, hold on to what is good.

Each of us is given unearned Gifts or Grace from God, beyond the Redemption of Jesus the Christ, and each of those Gifts is to be utilized for the Congregation, Church or Spiritual Body of Christ in this world.
People do not think that Christians who are not carting off to Africa or sitting in pews can not have a Holy Ghost Gift if they are a plumber, a stockman, or someone who posts a fringe blog with entertainment on it which is deviant at times.  But as man does not live by  bread alone, but by the Word of God, the Christian community does not live by pulpits alone, as a preacher does no one any good when their pipe are leaking, when they want a steak or when they are tired of the endless droning from pulpits or college educated geniuses who tell you  that you can not post things like this blog as it is not proper communication.
The world rejected my Gifts and God made this blog the most successful independent blog in the world, all because God had a  message to give.

I am writing this in using a Living Bible with large print, as writing this blog has brought ruin to my vision, and I will need time to recover, so this is the large print version I am struggling with without reading glasses.  I opened it by the Holy Ghost to the verses below.

St. Paul to the Romans
Chapter 12

6: So we are to use  our different gifts in accordance with the Grace (free Gift of God) that God has given us. If our Gift is to speak God's Message, we must do it according to the Faith that we have.
7: If it is to teach, we must each.
8: If it is to encourage others, we must do so. Whoever shares with others what he has, must do it generously; whoever has authority, must work hard; whoever shows kindness  to others, must do it cheerfully.

Some people are given a Gift of being able to communicate like Ronald Reagan. Yes that is a Gift of Grace not in the pulpit, because Ronald Reagan was risen up to save a nation that the pulpits had polluted.  Some people have wonderful voices like James Earl Jones and can read the Bible for others who can not see in recording messages. Each of us is mandated to use our Gifts in the best way our Faith in  Christ will provide a better world.
I deeply appreciate those Faithful few who have ministered to our needs here. I can not speak to their other Gifts, but you have to remember that women ministered to Jesus when He was here. Sometimes God's Gift is someone working hard in school for an education, not allowing themselves to be ground  down, and being rewarded with success, so some money flows to a blog like this. Those people God Promises will have a Prophet's Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven. The women and men who assisted Jesus in what He needed when He did not have a  room of His own or a pillow for His head, have now the greater reward with Christ. I do not mean the reward that Jesus gives all, but on their resume of life's acts they didn't spend the money on their own indulgences, but helped Jesus establish the Gospel in this world. That is a  most important reward system to be linked to.

Some  of us teach, in that I have  been blessed with numerous Gifts which I do Faithfully employ to always attempt to do good in this world. Everything from my enjoying to cook,  in producing a comforting meal for us, is a Gift, because nothing is worse than crappy food to make you more  sullen. In that, I don't want anyone to doubt the Gifts that God has given them as unimportant. In Christ they all have purpose and they all are blessed for the Glory of God.  It is fine to have 50 million dollars, but what good is it to the Body of Christ locked up in portfolios when compared to someone helping an old prick of an uncle who needs his lawn mowed, to put the Word of God in loving your enemies  and  praying for those who despitefully use you?

Pay attention to the warning of Jesus in the parable of the talents or coins, He handed  out and expected a return and some buried them, because they knew Jesus was a hard ruler who required things and they were afraid of losing them.
People do not get Judged for trying to do good. They get Judgment for knowing Good is needed in this world and sitting on their asses.

Some of us have a Gift of encouraging others. I know a  couple who visits the people in old folks home like a religion. That is their Gift and I know of one instance of an old woman who they saved from death who was being taken advantage of. No they are not perfect and have pulled allot of things too in life, but what is the price of one life in the balance of all things, but thee entire balance as life is all there is. It is doing good instead of evil which rights the wrongs in this world, by  not adding to the evil.

Those who give to others, must do so generously and not that, "Here is 100 dollars. Note how generous I am  as I sit on millions, because I live on 100 dollars for years in paying off my light bills, food bills, taxes and I buy a fleet of cars on that 100 dollars". We are not in 1776 AD in the year of our Lord where a 100 dollars would purchase you a farm or a home, so for those who keep lying to themselves, the Biblical mandate is  10% in the tithe. I will not go into the use of the tithe to celebrate before God, but I will make the warning point again, that 10% is the minimum, and if you are not in that area of giving, then you are stealing from God. So deal  with it before you have to answer for it in that Gift of riches God gave you.

Those in authority are to work hard. That means not viewing others as your slaves or placing them into harder positions where more work is required from them for the same amount of pay. There is far too much of that in Godless western nations and those rich people are going to be in hell as Lazarus is in Paradise.

Even being kind and doing so cheerfully, even to people who are scowling or it does not register that my putting the shopping carts away means they do not have to, you do so cheerfully and remember you are SERVING GOD, and doing things for God and not unappreciative trolls.

So the question deserves an answer now,  "Is being Rich a Gift?". Of course it is, and God expects rich people to be generous as God has been to rich people in not putting them into prison for all that money they stole or striking them dead for how they screwed people over to get that pile of cash.  The Riches are God's alone. God does not expect you to sell all you have and give it to the poor, as that was Jesus convicting the rich kid of where his love  really was. God does though expect rich people to be generous in their stewardship of helping others. It is not CHARITY THEE, BUT GIVE AS I HAVE GIVEN TO YOU. If you are rich you get involved and while you do not have to hand out checks to people to have the adore you, which brings no reward, you certainly are responsible for always keeping your eyes open as how to make the world a better place for people who are worn down and no longer know how to reach out for help, and for their own self worth have to believe that God loves them and moved a situation where they were asked to be hired for a better job or a job at all that would give them dignity. Rich people spend enough time preening for each other in texts and dinners, it is their responsibility to bring up people who could use some help, and making that help appear, and keeping their mouths shut about it.
The rich owe that dignity to others in need and the rich owe God for all they think they have. If the poor people fall flat on their asses again, that is their right as the rich are not buying a slave. You rich people are instead helping someone to not be dependent on the welfare state.

If 6 rich people would help 6 people in need, that would mean almost 200,000 dollars the government would save a year, and in that the community would gain taxpayers and people who would be buying things, raising American children who would be good citizens too.

There is too much concentrated wealth by design in this world to keep control over the masses. God deliberately did not trust rich people for a reason, and mandated all debt would be forgiven every 7th year and all property returned in the 50th year which would be a generation to redistribute the wealth to keep society functional and not a slavery disease.

Being rich is a gift from God. The problem  is the rich keep all of the presents under the tree and only hand out the gifts the cat pissed on and then want people to beg and grovel for it. Having to beg in my experience is not a pleasant thing and I loathe it, but all I can do is talk to God about it and in that the Holy Ghost keeps  opening up Scripture to provide the evidence to convict all of these rich people, so they no excuses before Christ's Judgment.

The Lame Cherry is offering you Heaven in Jesus the Christ, providing of course you show that Jesus is Lord in your rich lives and that your portfolios which are going to be gone the day you are dead is not your lord and master.

Nuff Said
