Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Funeral for Mom A Day Late and 7000 dollars short

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today my brother and his daughter's family went home, from coming for mom's funeral. It is what is what happens in all the turmoil and things that need to be done, and then everyone is gone.

I began the day with what all of you must prepare for, and that is cancelling any auto pay insurance. From work, mom had Mutual of Omaha, and while it sucked her into poverty at over 300 bucks a month, that company always paid out and never caused a problem in her big three medical emergencies the past decades. I post that as you hear what crap most insurance is, but this company in Nebraska has always been very good on Medicare supplement

Yes there is the rub in this, in Medicare comes out of every month at over 100 buck, so 1/3rd of her retirement living went for insurance. The people at Medicare I phoned next were most helpful and stated that continued statements would be sent and if any medical bills appeared which were not matching what we thought, that we should report the fraud.

I called Social Security and what a load of horseshit in the claim was the system was down. The undertaker was to call them to cancel that retirement and then SS notifies Medicare. I am in the process of ascertaining if there is any funeral expense help.
I am in the process to ascertain if any SS to mom has to be repaid. It would help if they would answer the phone.
I am not so upset about mom not being alive in the SS increase under Trump, as I think I heard on a notice while waiting that Medicare was going up, so geezers will just transfer robbing SS to pay Medicare.

Next in our cold weather, we went to town. The purpose was to find out what I could do with bills on the meager funds mom had at Wells Fargo. The people there are most helpful, but I hate that criminal bank  as Mexicans were in there being offered a loan.
As I was on the account, I can write checks on it for bills. Still need money so that is half the problem. It costs 31 dollars for a "check stop" for any auto payment stops in case the insurance keeps bilking her account. That is more money than I can afford, so I will have to check

Then we went to the lawyer and were told that the Clerk of Courts could file the will and we didn't need a lawyer. So off we went, and that dumb bitch first could not figure out that we were filing a will for the dead, as she thought it was my will, and she kept chattering about keeping it for safe keeping. What the hell would that be necessary for?
Finally got that through her shit for brains, and next was told that "Well there are piles of statutes that have to be done and we needed a lawyer".
So went back to the lawyer whose son told us, "I don't know what the hell those people over there are  talking about.", so we had to make a lawyer appointment for Friday and I hope this does not cost a fortune, as this is bullshit. Just more damned problems.

Found a number to call the state retirement and another agency with fuel assistance programs, which are the next thing to make me cringe.

OK now onto something else to cringe over on the funeral. So at 5 pm on the day we buried mom, the sister tells me that some relative phoned up mom's sister and expressed her condolences. Problem is Auntie has heart problems, and I had driven to the little village to find her sons so they could inform her. They were all out of town, which I did not know. Meantime I got home left messages, for them, after I got the notice in the media of mom's death delayed until the next day, to protect Auntie.
So Auntie gets told, does not die on me, so I get blamed, but I had to go around and apologize for the cock up. They were good about it, but that took like  4 hours, as we went some time with my cousin who has cancer. Again though, here is more bullshit, as sister had me thinking I was going to find a corpse who could not walk. OK who I found was a healthy looking guy, whose hip hurts like hell as cancer got into his bone from prostate cancer the doctor's cocked up on. He is going for treatment again and examination on Wednesday but is weighing his options if they can not radiate the bone, as he said he had this 15 years and might not take anymore treatment.
I loathe people who say things that are flat ass wrong about people who are sick. That and Clerk of Courts asstards really cause problems when they are bored and decide to make phone calls, and it ends up costing me 5 hours of my life fixing things that never needed fixing.

I wanted to share parts of the notes from some of the extended Lame Cherry good souls. Please do not bust my ass if a note you sent and it has not been included as it is almost 11 here, and I still have not posted on what I need to for readers, and my lungs are on fire from this Mexican flu. God how I need to rest and I can not quit.
Another sad surprise as I found our white cat Poof dead tonight. I don't know what happened. He was alive this morning in TL saw him.

There are such good people in the world and such shit.

Am in process of texting my brother as I have to keep him informed on will, on people who he is going to have to deal with in his part with numbers and whatever else.


OMG, my deepest condolences and prayers go out to you. May Gob Bless......

Your Eulogy was very nicely said. I pray she is in heaven with your sister and the angels and under God's protective loving care. God Bless you in your hour of mourning.

I feel for you and you have my prayers. I went thru a similar thing with my wife, its been 3 years now, but I was her care taker for a couple of years, with the last 6 months essentially the same as taking care of a baby.


I do hope LC is going to be ok, I can’t imagine the reaction caused by having someone die in one’s arms, much less a parent, however misbehaving they were. I know she is a very strong person, but nevertheless, it must be a traumatic experience. We are both praying extensively for you and her in these times.
“God though in His Will does look upon you, because He sees you through the blood or obedience of Christ on that cross. Jesus obeyed and completed the will of God, so that you will never have to experience as a Christian God not being there for you.” Feel the need to feed your words back to you, as yours is the cathedral I attend not only on Sunday, but all week long,


My deepest condolences to you and your family on your mother's passing.

You already have all your answers, you know you did more than anybody else, more than I could ever do and you know that wherever she is now, she is in a better place, with not a worry in the world and that all is good and fancy for her at this point. 

 I take this moment to connect and let you know that my prayers today are for your mother's soul in her journey through the dimensions. I will read King David's "Ascension Psalms" for her. Yes, there is an empty chair, it is waiting for her at the table of the family of light with Christ.
It is a horrible thing to lose a parent, or anyone involved in your daily life. You did the best you could; a true comfort should be that she got right with Jesus.


I am so sorry to hear about your mother.  You are correct that she is suffering no longer and that you were with her, as God had planned, when she transitioned to heaven.  I have tons of respect for you as you stuck with her to the end.  I also know that meaningless platitudes aren't going to make you feel any better either.  Thank you so much for all that you do and for the caring person that you have become.  Stay strong and always keep in mind that without you, she would have died in a home, which is not what she wanted.  Please know that you have a friend praying for you.
  I just read your post about your Mom. I am so sorry. I felt the same things when my Dad passed over 4 years ago. I didn't work as hard as you did, but it was work. It was also a mixed bag of emotions, relief, sadness and guilt. You did the best you could for her, in fact you went above and beyond. She knows. I still miss my Dad and regret that I didn't do more. I guess that is natural, so please don't beat yourself up - you did great. We will see each other again, so if there was anything left to work out, we will do it then. Hold tight to TL. Jesus bless you both and wrap you in his Love.

May God shine his Light upon you,
May God hold you in his arms for however long He needs to,
May He show you how loyal and faithful a servant you are, so you do not
worry with doubt,
May He provide exactly what you need at the time you need it,
May He remove the stumbling blocks and all malevolent entities that plague,
If it be His Will.

In Jesus' Name I Pray,
All Glory, All Power, All Love, All Thanks and All Praise to Our
Heavenly Father,

Please know that I read your postings daily and have gotten so much from them, specifically from your catechism writings recently as well as all teachings regarding being a Christian and gardening and preparing for the future.

As always, please know I do pray for you frequently that God may bless you with land and animals and other things your heart desires and that he keep you and TL safe from evil and harm.
I am so sorry for your Loss. My prayers to Lord Jesus for strength and protection for you and TL.


Please accept my condolence for your mother's passing. I wish you well.

God bless the good for your kindness to us. I know that each of you are going through your own problems in Christ carrying you, and I grieve for each of you. Thank you for being there and for helping. I do hope something in your words would trigger those uber rich people to become generous.

Nuff Said
