Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Hot Fires of a Mini Ice Age

 Professor Helen Zharkova

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now  we have gone from Global Warming, to Climate Change to the pretty reality of Moscow University's Dr. Helen Zharkova's the sun is going to sleep and without solar spots, the earth will become cooler and Muslims on the Thames will skate on the ice there..

The Lame Cherry has zero contention with Dr. Zharkova in the sun spot activity is down, but the reality is as this blog has covered is the sun produces different types of heating. About a decade ago my garden plants were cooked in what looked like a microwave in a not too hot summer, and this was due to magnetic waves generated by the sun which did heat the earth, and cook plants.

We have not witnessed one drop in temperatures, except for HAARP making America freeze for Mr. Trump's Oil Barons robbing America for oil and gas prices.

It is known that the Sun has its own magnetic field, the amplitude and spatial configuration of which vary with time. The formation and decay of strong magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere results in the changes of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, of the intensity of plasma flows coming from the Sun, and the number of sunspots on the Sun’s surface. The study of changes in the number of sunspots on the Sun’s surface has a cyclic structure vary in every 11 years that is also imposed on the Earth environment as the analysis of carbon-14, beryllium-10 and other isotopes in glaciers and in the trees showed.

Our sun is Yellow Dwarf, and these stars are unstable. When they deplete energy, they become Red Giants, and collapse to White Dwarfs which burn hot. The reason the Lame Cherry is telling you this is something I will term the Lame Cherry Effect in our sun has been very calm for sometime, but has also been emitting some fiery ejections from time to time which missed earth.
As the Bible predicts an end times scorching of the earth, I submit to you that our sleeping sun, is going to awaken in a energy mass gravity readjustment, and earth will experience an enlargement of the sun for a brief period, a greater heat intensity and of course the coronal ejections. Just like when you are overly tired and your muscles jerk before sleep, the sun is going to jerk while it sleeps and make things more warm on earth.

Why Do People 'Twitch' When Falling Asleep? - Live Science

A hypnagogic jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm that occurs as a person is drifting off to sleep. The phenomenon is so named in reference to the hypnagogic state — the transitional period ...

Wait until this Lame Cherry exclusive filters through to the Professors and they all steal the idea and start postulating for government funding what a great theory this is, and with the Black Planet out there massaging everything in the space plasma disrupting earth, the sun will naturally give a good poof as everything is moving through dark matter ooze.

It was not long ago that the little ice age was mocked, but now a prettier Russian Professor is explaining how things could be and as HAARP is cooling things off for Big Oil, the Mockingbird just loves this Russian, and who could not adore the pretty genus of Dr. Z.

Scientist Predicts 'Little Ice Age,' Gets Icy Reception From ...

Russian scientists argued in 2012 the world could expect the start of the another Little Ice Age starting in 2014. "After the maximum of solar cycle 24, from approximately 2014 we can expect the start of deep cooling with a Little Ice Age in 2055," wrote Habibullo Abdussamatov of the Russian Academy of Science.

I would hope to interview Dr. Z for this blog and find her adoring me as a popular girl too and then we could make all sorts of advanced theories which the Anglo Americans would have to consider and react to.

That's it, the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, the Sun is going to have a Coronal Spasm as she is sleeping.
