Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Happy Couple with Tampons Between Them

 Dice Chambers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

His name was.....

Is a name really that important when it comes to a story or the events of life? If it is then his name was Ruckshore Kathouse. If a name means nothing, then he was Dice Chambers.

He was a modern man, not any more modern than any other modern man, but he was a modern man, a real 21st century man, even if it was not the 21st century at the time, but a time like all times, where a man was a man, and a woman was a woman, and in all things, even with more women then men in the world, Dice Chambers was a man without a woman in a world full of them.

Things were much easier when it was Adam and Eve. Adam was the guy and Eve was the gal, and with only two of them, Adam had a better chance, and in that Adam got the girl. Things after that though never quite worked out, as some Solomon had like a 1000 women and some non reproductive guy out in the sheep pasture had no wife, and his final days were spent without a woman like his entire life was since he was weaned from his mother's breasts. Then again being a modern man, he was raised on soy teats, so the world of women amounted an exit from the womb and not much association after that.

Dice though had his associations though. American bluejeans, beef steak and Jules Verne. It is not like he built a submarine or a time machine, but think of the odds of having a dog, who was a Labrador retriever, who was not your own, but ran off with your book, and as you were chasing it, it ran through a time portal which open up from time to time, due to electronic charging of ley lines in the earth, which opens doors to pools in time, which change not, no more than the door to your home does.

 Bugs the Black Lab

The dog ended up in 1967, in the year of our Lord, and so did Dice Chambers as he really liked that book by Charles Tit. Yes Jules Verne was his favorite author, but Charles Tit wrote the better time machine novel, and in fact it was called The Time Machine.

The thing is that Dice met the most pretty of flower girls, not that she was a Hippie, or even of that counter culture, but her name was Cherry Roads, when it mattered and when it did not matter in time.

Cherry  Roads

The thing is they did not hit it off really. It was not that they did not, not like each other, it was just like two people had met across the centuries and that was the punctuation and exclamation point of their meeting.

There was something though, and I know it would seem odd, so odd that when they told me this story, I thought, "Now that is odd", in as they got to talking, Cherry mentioned it was her time of the month, and all the the things that went on with that time of the month, including sanitary napkin pads. See this was before tampons, but after piles of stained rags which needed to be laundered which no one ever mentioned in polite company.
It was considered polite though to have a pad, it's wings safety pinned to your panties, and all of the flow being collected in a most hygienic matter. I know that it does not sound romantic, but when Dice mentioned that back in his day, or forward in his day, the women used tampons, and after a brief explanation, a puzzled pondering, a finger inserted into a hole created by a hand, Cherry was quite intrigued with this sort of invention which seemed hygienic, convenient and those little plastic tubes seemed just the thing for  holding pierced ear earrings. When Dice added that tampons were used extensively down dirt holes for trapping,  Cherry was delighted as she had always wanted a red fox fur coat. 

The Time Tampon

I know this sounds like nothing of love written in the stars, but how appealing a tampon is for the base of a relationship, but that is the way it was. Cherry packed her bags, followed Dice to the portal, and back to the future they went, filled all of those future things like tampons.


Charles Tit, Author, PHD Duck Hunter

The puppy though stayed in the past. The duck hunting was better, as he fetched Charles Tit's Time Machine Book to, yes Charles Tit, who was delighted in the book after reading it, published it, as the publisher was on the inside cover, and with all that money went duck hunting with his most happy future dog, in past lakes.

That is the story of the romance of Cherry Roads and Dice Chambers. They opened a nice antique store which specialized in 1960's things, that they collected from people's trash, as people used to throw all sorts of things away in the 1960's which found value in the future, especially when you had your own time portal caused by electrically enhanced ley lines, from a happy couple who had tampons between them.

Nuff Said
