Friday, November 2, 2018

Ambassador in a Bottle

Jackman, who publicly supported Hillary Clinton during the last presidential election, also encouraged all United States citizens to participate in the midterm elections.
“Vote! I’m an Ozzie, so I don’t get to vote, but if you can, you should vote,”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is an honest assessment of President Donald Trump's two choices for US Ambassador to the United Nations in Mrs Heather Nauert and Mrs. Jamie McCourt.

Both of these blonde in a bottle women were early supporters of candidate Donald Trump and in all honesty, for all the bottle blonde Ivanka worthless choices that Donald Trump has made in most of his appointments,  on credentials alone Nauert and McCourt are both accomplished women who went beyond the so called glass ceiling.

Both are  self educated, with McCourt being  the university genius. Her scholastic achievements are impressive and pointedly put Barack and Michelle Obama to shame. McCourt is an attorney, married well into real estate, purchased the Los Angeles Dodgers and picked a real winner in Donald Trump as President where she was awarded the ambassadorship to France, a premier post.
On paper McCourt has the best credentials. The one problem I have is her Jewish background, as Jew is thicker than patriotism. I do not doubt that McCourt would not be like Gary  Cohn looting the Treasury or the Kushners in pedaling influence to Peking for a real estate disaster, it is just a reality that Jews repeatedly have worked for Tel Aviv rather than their host nations.

For ability, Nauert is the most qualified as a talking head. The ability to read a script and perform on the UN stage is what this is about.

So that is the balance of the scales. Nauert has proven she can mix it up, but with Nikki Haley taking PMS to new atomic heights, the voters of Donald Trump wanted peace with Russia and an end to Chicoms taking American jobs. That requires not rhetoric but the work the greatest diplomat the US produced in Vernon Walters. On this, Haley, Nauert and McCourt cloned a thousand fold  could not still reach the ability of this incredible American.

If the Trump Junta desires more of the DIA same in Haley rants, we will now have it in a bottle blonde package, which might be prettier than Haley's angular faced grimaced rants, but Donald Trump is setting up for two terms, and he needs an international presence capable of diplomacy or more to the point in undoing the damage of Nikki Haley. In that McCourt is the least attractive as she is aging, so the diplomats will grimace and McCourt is not a face which presents a serious choice.

As a youth, I made the mistake of wondering who that fat old man was in Vernon Walters as the United Nations before that was the world against America. Walters changed all of that and with Walters America began to win, even with her Cold War enemies.

It is a reality that neither of these blondes is KT McFarland, who does not leave the question if  she is going to go off the reservation and be voting for Michelle Obama next time around, as these two women might be David Souter in a skirt.
In having enough of these disappointments I am wary of every thing Donald Trump does, as he promised by November 1st there was a tax break coming...........and another Trump let down. In my miserable situation here, I have had it with the maxim, "Well at least he ain't Hillary". Yeah but he is doing everything Hillary would, including using gun control as a feint to battle the political pablum.

So FOX which employs nothing but liberals or gayophiles and Jews who support Tel Aviv over America are the choice for the United Nations apparently, as no Americans are left to do the job........and yes a bum on the street who never graduated high school is qualified to being UN Ambassador. I have had it with qualifications as the qualification for being President is being American, and that went out the window with criminal Obama.

Nauert and  McCourt are good on paper. That is actually better than most of Mr. Trump's choices. That is the best that can be expected.
I do wonder if any of these women pay attention to seers who say that New York will be nuked by terrorists. Kind of a dead end job at the United Nations if they are right.

I wonder if Donald Trump has an addiction to peroxide.
