Friday, November 2, 2018

Now America gets Greenland weather

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now here is something novel, as with a warm winter due to NATURAL EARTH El Ninia, the Oil Barons of Donald John, not only about destroyed America's sugar crop and bankrupted the late season bean and corn producers.......and potatoes to start a famine in the last monsoon of October 1st, we now have a new Oil Baron use of HAARP to rape more money from Americans.........get this one as it is a gem.

HAARP is going to be used to pull all the Arctic air off of Greenland, and move it onto the Hudson Bay area.

Jut so you understand this, weather moves west to east over the United States. Arctic fronts move from the North Pole to the south. For those not astute in geography, Greenland is east of the United States. The Jet Stream would push cold air from Greenland away from North America, and yet here is this miracle in cold air again plunging America early into Arctic cold, and the only nation rapists who will benefit are the same ones that Donald Trump has kept energy at record prices for Trumpflation keeping America from MAGA.

Kind of odd in America, never gets warm tropical weather to save heating costs in winter, and growing another crop for family farm profits but here comes cold, no from Siberia, not from the Arctic, but from Greenland to cause mayhem all through America again.

The Weather Mods should be brought to justice for this crimes against humanity, as this is murderous and yet only  this blog posts anything about this.

So you get this, for a week coming, there is going to be a parade  of "weather" coming west to east across the United States, as in this November 1st weather gif, sure to kill animals and humans from  all of this stress as December weather appears.......when NOAH predicted it would be a warm winter.

This the powerful elite robbing and murdering America. These bastards know to the inch of snow in what they are going to generate. The last time they did this, they super cooled the area over North Dakota, which endangered the potatoe, sugar beet and soy bean harvest. All hell broke loose in the committee room when the billionaire food producers started screaming at the billionaire  oil producer who unleashed this on their profits. For those who do not know, America no longer markets their crops by the individual farmers. There are now brokers and the broker who controls North Dakota is still selling soybeans, when only China buys how is that?

Once again another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in showing you again weather which can not happen and yet does on cue for the Nazi conglomerates to the harm of the individual American.

Nuff Said
