Monday, November 12, 2018

America Leads in NATO Exercise Shitting on Norway

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have before us another splendid example of NATO led by the United States in an organization which is derelict and broken as it attempts to intimidate Russia by holding cold war exercises in Norway. How would  Americans appreciate it if China and Russia conducted exercises with Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba?

'Trident Juncture 2018' About To Kick Off: NATO's Big War ...

The Trident Juncture 2018 is a drastic shift in that policy, which is being carefully evaluated by Russia. At an unofficial level, Sweden and Finland have already joined NATO through other groups and agreements, such as their trilateral cooperation with the US.

This was a rather large cold war drill and as it was large in 50,000 foreigners crawling all over Norway, along with their hordes of raping Muslims, Norway hosted not overt rapists, but instead Americans and Germans who thought it was perfectly fine to shit by schools and where people were walking.

"This is terrible, it's about having common decency. We have to clean up after soldiers who have relieved themselves. It's literally a s****y job", Major Marianne Bø responsible for damages and environmental protection during the NATO exercise, told NRK.

Apparently Norwegians know a woman's place as in the Norwegian military the women get to scoop up the shit of American and German males.

NATO's Trident Juncture drill, which involves over 50,000 soldiers from over 31 countries, including formally non-aligned Finland and Sweden, is the largest to take place in Norway in decades.

The average human averages about 1 pound of excrement per day. That is 50,000 pounds per day of human shit being buried in Norwegian fields and communities.

The cold war exercise will run from November 13 to November 24, chiefly led by Americans and then Germans shitting on and in Norway. that is 12 days or 600,000 pounds of shit, or 300 tons of human waste contaminating Norwegian water with cholera type plague feces.

Apparently NATO has zero facilities or structure to deal with soldier feces and the prescribed method is for the poop producers to "clean it up" or bury it deeper where Norwegians are not stepping in shit, but instead eating it in their veggies or swimming in it in ponds or drinking it in this trickle down effect.

Some have drawn attention to foreign soldiers relieving themselves near kindergartens, schools and sports facilities, national broadcaster NRK reported.
Most of the complaints are from farmers whose plots and pastures have suffered damage from vehicles during the drill. Others, by contrast, lament the unsanitary conditions left by NATO soldiers.

The leader of this in American Admiral Foggo, was delighted in his soldiers shitting all over Norway, and he honestly hoped for more of it.

US Admiral and Chief Commander of Trident Juncture James Foggo was delighted with the fruitful exercise and wished for more to follow.

This is the supposed greatest military assembly in history with the most advanced equipment, and still they can not get their shit together, as this disease causing problem has not been dealt with by the Pentagon.

I honestly have pity on these Norwegian farmers who have heavy equipment tearing up their fields and then stepping in piles of human shit which sticks to their Norwegian boots like glue.
How would any of you like this? How would you like your grandchild playing in human shit?

 So all of us can be on the same page in this, these pissy wastes of American money to shit in Norway do nothing. If Russia wanted to take Europe, the United States could do nothing about it. The reason Russia is measured is they know that they can not hold Europe. Such action would open their flank to attack with China, exactly as Germany had a problem with troops tied up to defend France against American counter attack in World War II which should have been unleashed on Russia. Russia has the same problem as she does not have the resources to hold Europe.

This is the Pentagon and fine American soldiers in action on Veteran's Day. It is indicative of greater problems in the American military with command and control. If any command can not control their soldier's shitting, they can not control that force to fight as discipline is gone.

Nuff Said
