Monday, November 12, 2018

The Secret Knowledge of Lame Cherry in the Overthrow of America

We're Swamp Women, three vaginas, one 38, one shiv
and all you got is two balls tough boy......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People always yearn for the  behind the scenes look at my brier patch life, and here is my life after the post about the Puntz early last night.

Puntz had decided to nap on the bed, and she oozed poo out, but not on the cover sheet but exactly in the gap she found by my pillow.
So at midnight I was tearing beds apart and doing laundry.

I don't blame the cat, but know the blame is on satan and the evil people.

At 8:30, Gus the plumber called and told me he would be out, and the  water heater would be 600 dollar plus, the installation, so am looking at a 700 to 800 dollar bill there as the mother sat on her ass and did not prepare and her wonder children are all in hiding when it come to being responsible.

II Samuel 12

 And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor.
 2 The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds:
 3 But the poor man had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter.
 4 And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.
 5 And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the LORD liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die:
 6 And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.
 7 And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man.

I am not going to name the good people who care and have helped out beyond their means, except to say that this post is not about you, nor about trying to make you feel guilty. This is about hot coals, as I have given up on rich people proving they are Christian, as they know the problem here and the full time now it is getting the mother back on her ungrateful feet, and they are all the travelers who passed by on the opposite side of the road when that person was left for dead, and only the reprehensible Samaritan stopped and did the Christian thing in helping.

I am certain that the adversary does not like my praying God's Light and Love into everything as all hell has broken loose around here in attempting to distract, exhaust and disuade me. I am in God's Grace, even if it is a few mumbled brain fog sentences before I  pass out, keeping on injecting that power into everything.

This country is in hellish shape. People are worse off than homeless us. Most people can not afford a bill like I got to pay it. I just save every penny literally. In fact,  TL smiled at stupid me at the stop lights when we were in town, when I looked down and saw a penny. I jumped out and picked it up and that is how I scrape by  on pins and needles as in two weeks I picked up 8 cents.

I am in a world of ungrateful and entitled people. The mother rarely says thank you and knows I will somehow take care of things, as I try and save every penny for our home when God takes the land away from the rich who do not give a damn about anything in any community as they have  their luxury. I just know that I do not get my dream things like a gun at 700 bucks, and that a calf was raised in the few which made it, lived and died, so that a water heater could be put in, as ugrateful readers and entitled rich people all are on this blog from across the globe and think stealing information here which appears no where else is their right.

I have readers from some of the most affluent places on earth from UAE to Singapore, to America to France, and I sit here begging for money, while the few good people who always feel guilty end up paying the way for the rich, when they have things they need for their lives too.

That is why from this point it is hot coals. Not from just me, but from all the good people who have donated or have dropped a note because they have nothing to give, in all of their goodness to me, means hot coals on  the rich non donors, based on the goodness of this blog in filling in for Prophecy, but I wonder what is taking place as Prophecy is appearing and I am still the voice in the wilderness, looking for those Two Witnesses to appear and take over to torment the earth out of Jerusalem. I came with caring, they will come with a fire brand to inflict.

By God's Grace, this blog alone has been informing you of the wonder of Sebastian Kurz in all he is accomplishing as Obama was the shadow of this illuminated man as I told you almost a decade ago what would appear. I told you alone that a balance would have to appear to Vladimir Putin in his dynamic presence, and Sebastian Kurz has appeared.
I still do not know if he is the one for certain, because he is not established, but he has laid the foundation and the walls  for the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire.
No one else is telling you about these things or what is really behind this fraud election fraud distraction. I would think there would be appreciation in the rich who have God's money in being generous as God mandates as while they can not buy their way into Heaven, it sure looks better in the Book of Judgment, "Hey helped Lame Cherry with a huge donation, instead of holding my portfolio closed which I am about to be Judged by Christ on".
Yet those facts escape the rich as they have fears of facing who they are. If one ever discovers their soul, I do expect them to appear later and claim they made me in a five or six figure donation........forgetting of course I saved their lives many times over, informed  them of priceless information and of course it is not their money but money they stacked up which is God's  in the first place.

My main goal today after getting the mother settled in, is to try and grab a few moments of sleep, as the Viking says, as I was up 4 time last night, one of which I thought the pipes had burst, but as I was asleep, it was just the Puntz pissing on TL's slippers which we discovered this morning with a wet foot and as  TL is hyper allergic to uric acid, that was another drama.

That was six hours of my life, along with mopping floors as the plumbers put mud on the floor mud and  that had to be scrubbed off before breakfast, which I got to eat by 11 o'clock today instead of noon.

It is pleasant though a few people figured out that John McCain's hands were all over the GOP implosion, from the grave. McCain, Pence, Bush all were in it for the Nazi conglomerates filling the rich people's stock portfolios in protecting the Obamacare cash cow and the Obama legacy of corporates seizing direct funding from the US Treasury.

GOP Rep. Jason Lewis in WSJ Op-Ed: John McCain’s Stopping Obamacare Repeal Cost Republicans the House

But all Mr. President does is talk, talk about need to use election night ballots. Mr. President as all  of you have been shown  he has Lincoln Authority to arrest, send in the troops and to install Americans who uphold the law, but all we get is more window shopping rich saying what should be done, instead of Mr. Trump arresting ballot criminals on Patriot Act and rich people here not tithing that 10% plus to the Lame Cherry to make  up for what they should have been doing all along.

President Trump: Honest Vote Count in Florida ‘No Longer Possible,’ ‘Must Go With Election Night!’

Mr. President, you have the power, so use it as your oath demands and you people with the Lord's money start donating to remove some of those hot coals pouring in on you.

Nuff Said
