Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Bali Boy Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a member of the media, I receive all kinds of advanced copies of circulars. One which crossed my desk was a bi monthly called Bali Boy. It is a sort of exclusive lifestyles of the infamous. The pages are filled with features of those Chinoids who are combing the beaches of the globalist elite.

I know that most of you have been seeing Obama on the campaign trail, but that is the stand in for Obama, as Obama left the building in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord in June. The Obama who has been squirreled away is the one in Bali, and I didn't think he looked so good.

The thing is Bali Boy is published by another Chinoid by the name of Ilham Anas, a Muslim from China pronounced Ilham Anus.

Publisher Ilham Anus

The report was filed by their roving reporter, Bilobong Bunghole, as an exclusive as he caught up with recluse Obama taking a stroll on the beach.

Roving Reporter Bilobong Bunghole

Obama wanted to talk a great deal about his time beating up Stephen Hawking at the White House. Obama was contending that it was this bout which killed the cripple. He was showing Bunghole the wrestling move he called the Filipino Nerve Pinch, which if not administered effectively would become the Soetoro Death Grip.

Barack Obama initiating the Soetoro Death Grip on a Cripple

As the interview continued Obama's stand in confirmed that he was indeed a foreigner, a Chinoid named Barry Soetoro and the submitted to posing for a few of his body building photos, as he plans to market a new health clinic for the globalists called Body by Bam!
Yes same exclamation point as Jeb!

Former President Barack Hussein Obama

It is up to you in maybe I am seeing Obama wrong, but this sort of Mom Jeans Man has faded. Got a whiskey nose and well that shoe polish hair dye is a bit out of place. From what Bali Boy revealed, Obama is about to embark on a worldwide tour for Body bi Bam.

 The man who could handle Shemale Michelle can work wonders for you!!!

Of course we hope for this version of Obama all the success he had at being the old one.

Nuff Said
