Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The 2018 Midterms are Jeb Bush's Victory Lap

Mr. Donut Hole An Image of the Original

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So now Trump brand is Lee Greenwood, Sean  Homo Hannity and Rush  Limbaugh, actually pretending he is a hometown boy at the Cape again, all with the President.

WATCH LIVE: President Trump MAGA Rally, Cape Girardeau, Missouri – 10:00pm ET / 9:00pm CT

Your name is now on what happens, as this is how Mockingbird sees you in as George W. Bush had Country Greenwood, along with Limbaugh as your ethinic type. This means what follows in this is your tar baby as Donald Trump who has implemented Pentagon Imperialist policies for Goldman Sachs, is now your baby butchering identity beyond aborticide.

If Paul Ryan succeeds in throwing the House to Pelosi as you were warned here first, then it means the diversion drama of Pelosi impeachment, and the Senate firewall......with thoughtful Mitt Romney now fulfilling the role of John McCain in contemplating  the call for the impeachment trial of Donald Trump in the US Senate, as the reasonable one listening to democrats.

That is the future.........


I voted for Mr. Donut Hole......no wonder Trump looks good

Because if the GOP keeps control of the Congress, it means they will have to pass MAGA,and that is why they have  been busy throwing the 2018 midterms, as this is all diversion as the same old rapine of America continues.

So you remember, gas prices were supposed to drop to 2.50 a gallon by election day. They instead went up.

Mr. President promised a tax cut before the election. Never happened.

So  we are voting on pop is now 5 dollars a twelve pack compared to three. Sugar is on sale at 1.99 when it was 1.87.  Gas is up, Trumpflation is up, HAARP is gouging Americans in winter heating, babies are still butchered, Obamacare is still the law of the land, and the last great Trump accomplishment was to install a Supreme Court judge who vowed to keep everything Obama did legal.

Oh and I just watched an  Ad Council, for Family Fire, which was anti gun in using hot kids a props.

Given the Ad Council's historically close collaboration with the President of the United States and the federal government, it has been labeled by historian Robert Griffith as "little more than a domestic propaganda arm of the federal government.

You own all of this as a  Christian Conservative for not speaking out and most of you trolls abandoning me in not donating and allowing the media storm which the WWE generates to allow the evaporated time America had to try and resurrect herself to be wasted.

Yes to rich Jews and ghetto Afroids, Donald Trump's policies are alluring these groups away from democrats, as democrats get the queers and Beaner at communist central.

In two years you got shoved to the back of the bus. Bush43 took your guns as he cuddled with Michelle Obama and Bush41 told you to shut up and go away For the reality of all of this, the 2018 AD in the year of our Lord midterms are the Jeb Bush Victory Lap, he told all of us that we had to be more like Obama, and on the above  record, by Donald Trump, we are.

Your name got signed to all of this by Sean Homo Hannity and Rush Hudson Limbaugh for a Trump Art of the Deal. If more of you were like the Lame Cherry, we would be getting our MAGA instead of you cuddling up with Mr. Donut Hole.

 I didn't vote for that!!!
