Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Dead President Not Walking

The only thing we have to fear is poison in the pancakes.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting living Clue game by author Steve Urbaney as he discusses who murdered noted people who are said to have just died.  Urbaney does a great interview in not revealing anything, but having a caustic wit about everything.

He hints at what FDR was murdered by in a known European poison, which caused high fever, rapid heart rate and high blood  pressure upon eating it. Yes FDR was murdered by eating food in the White House and would recover when he went away from the White House.

I started looking for the poison and heavy metal does not produce high fever, and most poisons cause puking, so I wondered if it could be nicotine or some kind of barbiturate. I am too poor to afford the books as non donations are what I deal with here, but it is interesting in there  was a reference from a relative that FDR was toxic poisoned, and references that the thing he was married to Eleanor tried to find  out what killed her adulterous husband 10 years later and the records were all gone.

Urbaney points the finger at Stalin, but I found remarks that said  Stalin was harping at Eleanor Roosevelt about Churchill poisoning FDR as Churchill was always trying to poison Stalin. Stalin had numbers of communist spies around FDR, as FDR just loved communists. The Nazis had hit teams  looking to terminate Roosevelt and though they ever got him, were delighted when FDR went tits up. It is amazing though in this that Mossoulini died, Hitler staged his own death and FDR were dead in a few weeks of  each other.

Considering that Theresa May and MI6 ran Pissgate against America, I could see Churchill knocking off FDR as him and Stalin were complete reprobates. Stalin once in a meeting demanded to Churchill's horror that 10 million Germans be exterminated and they were. FDR laughed at the comment.

There was a grand strategy of powers after the war which removed Churchill,assassinated General Patton and would later remove General McArthur. Even Stalin would be poisoned and left for dead as the war continued to lay waste to the world, while the insiders like Dwight Eisenhower became President and in David John Oates Reverse Speech, Eisenhower with Prescott Bush were involved in assassinating John Kennedy.
So just who would have murdered FDR.

Strange that Stalin would murder FDR when he sent an emissary to Eleanor demanding to examine FDR’s body claiming that Churchill was the one who had Roosevelt killed.
Source: February 9, 1986 issue of the nationwide Sunday Supplement magazine Parade. It records a meeting between Stalin and Elliot Roosevelt. Stalin accused “The Churchill gang” of poisoning FDR and their continued attempts to poison him.

If Webster Tarpley is hovering around these stories for his god FDR, chances are there is smoke in this fire.

Stalin Admitted Knowledge Of English, Roosevelt's Son Says

Roosevelt, 75, said he included Stalin's remarks about English and poison in an article for Look magazine in 1946, but that they were edited out. Roosevelt is the author of several books and articles about his family, including ''As He Saw It,'' an account of FDR's wartime conferences.

Stalin could have been sowing discord too, but the English did give anthrax to George Washington and they were in on shooting Lincoln, so don't think the Jew bank of London was not above knocking off American presidents as they did start two world wars and are trying to get America to bleed in a third.

But if you look at the theatrics of the closing of the war, Patton had surged far ahead and Churchill wanted the Americans to retain their positions. It was Eisenhower and the FDR crowd who wanted to appease Stalin's raping hordes.

During the last weeks of the war in Europe, Churchill tried to convince the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Gen. Eisenhower that it was a mistake to halt at the Elbe River in central Germany. Churchill wanted Ike to make a grab for the German capital, Berlin. Ike had been concerned about the coming moment when the Anglo-Americans and the Red Army would meet. He wanted to avoid any inadvertent clashes or other difficulties. This danger meant nothing to Churchill. Ike also knew that he might be counterattacked, and might suffer needless losses.

What was taking place among London, DC  and  Moscow was some of the worst back alley  intrigue. It reminds me of Donald  Trump before he was elected and after he was elected as nothing he wanted was being accomplished. There seemed to be the pro communist faction, the pro fascist faction, the pro capitalist faction and then the patriots who were being picked off for believing this was a patriotic war against tyranny.

After Yalta, Harriman used every available opportunity to create US-Soviet conflict. In April, 1945 SS General Karl Wolf attempted to negotiate a surrender of German forces fighting on the Italian front. When Harriman told Molotov about these talks, the Soviet side demanded to send a representative to Bern, Switzerland to participate. Otherwise the negotiations should be terminated, Molotov added. For the Soviets, the issue raised by the Italian front surrender was their own nightmare of a separate peace between the western allies and Germany that would allow the Wehrmacht to fight on in the east.
Harriman used this occasion to generate cable traffic with Washington to propagandize his anti-Soviet, and pro-British views. Harriman cabled to his close associate Gen. George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, that the Soviets were showing “a domineering attitude toward the United States which we have before only suspected. It has been my feeling that sooner or later this attitude would create a situation which would be intolerable to us.”

On the day of his death, in what appears to have been the last political action he took on this earth, FDR repudiated Harriman. He sent Stalin a conciliatory cable from Warm Springs in which he dismissed the Italian “secret surrender” controversy as a “minor misunderstanding” between Moscow and Washington. This enraged Harriman, who wanted as much mileage out of the incident as he could get. He refused to deliver FDR’s cable to the Kremlin, but rather held it back. He sent a cable to FDR with the following ploy: “In the event you are willing to reconsider the wording of your message, may I respectfully suggest that the word ‘minor’ as a qualification of ‘misunderstanding’ be eliminated. The use of the word ‘minor’ might well be misinterpreted here. I must confess that the misunderstanding appeared to me to be of a major character.” FDR’s reply showed that he was well aware of the game that Harriman was playing for London: “I do not wish to delete the word ‘minor,’ as it is my desire to consider the Bern misunderstanding a minor incident.” 

I have not inquired on any of this as it is a point of the mystery is more interesting than the reality. People need to make livings writing books and people need to be content that bastards do get theirs and get what is coming to them.
Franklin Roosevelt was a really devious swindler. He pissed on George Washington in not leaving office and overthrew America. Yet in the end by the list of things wrong with him, you can see he did not have a blessed end. Honestly Augustus Caesar had his wife painting the figs in the garden poisoning him and if what is said is true. FDR was being poisoned  in the White House kitchen.
He was adulterous and murderous fiend from Pearl Harbor to the extermination of Germans and Americans. He deserved to waste away like the cancer he was.

Among those things FDR suffered from to which the public (eventually) became aware were:
  • Cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis.
  • Severe systolic and diastolic hypertension.  At one point during a physical exam in 1944, FDR's blood pressure would be recorded as an astonishing 250/150.
  • Respiratory issues, no doubt exacerbated (as the above two ailments) by the President's habit of smoking two packs of Camel cigarettes a day.
  • Ongoing migraine headaches.
  • Spontaneous loss of consciousness (black-out spells).
  • Significant digestive issues, which evidently began sometime in 1943.  During the period from his renomination in the summer of 1944 to his election to a fourth term that November, the President was documented as having lost 25 pounds.
  • Severe iron deficiency.
  • Bleeding hemorrhoids.
  • Chronic fatigue.

The  next president in Harry Truman was drunk when he found out FDR was dead. He was also ignorant that FDR had more communists around him than Stalin.

When the news came that FDR was dead, Truman was sitting inebriated in the office of Sam Rayburn at the House of Representatives, attending an afternoon get-together of the “Board of Education,” in which political discussion was lubricated by much bourbon.
Harry S. Truman’s role as a puppet of the Harriman gang has been thoroughly documented in numerous published locations. Some of the frankest description has come from Clark Clifford, the Harriman retainer who was one of Truman’s chief handlers during his first unelected term in office. During these years, Harriman was on the scene after Truman had made him Secretary of Commerce.
White House Special Counsel Clifford served Harriman and Lovett through an organism called the Monday-Night Club, which was made up of the sub-cabinet officials who actually performed the work of government. “Because I saw more of the President than anyone else in the group, it was agreed that I would be the conduit for our ideas,” wrote Clifford much later. Clifford met with Truman for a bourbon cocktail at the end of each day

In the closing note of dead presidents not walking, it was noted that numbers of people were dying of brain aneurysms just before FDR died. It was warafine, or rat poison which is a blood thinner. The brain busted ended with Truman became president, but when you think about it, FDR had such high blood pressure that he was bleeding out of his ass, and nose, and was passing out. Some assassin adding blood thinner to that, and sure as fire hydrants shoot water, you are going to get a dead president with that method, while the slow acting poison brought this communist down.

Someday perhaps when I am well funded I might inquire of this to set the record straight, but I am not that interested as the joy in this is that the scourge of FDR is rotting in the grave to this day. What comes around goes around, and FDR got his after those suffocating Sailors at Pearl Harbor and how many other families didn't even have a grave after FDR got his world war.

That is enough for me.

Nuff Said

