Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Now is the Winter of our Trump content

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had some advice for the Faithful several years ago and that was to "duck". My advice after the Jeb Bush victory lap in the thrown 2018 midterms is to hide.

Thing have of course been going horridly here, but I tell the Truth. The Truth is that this  blog informed all of you what was being initiated for the 2018 AD in the year of our Lord elections and that is exactly what was accomplished in a coup equal to Pissgate.

When you hear Judy Woodruff of PBS referring to democrats in "we will win" and all the media are gushing in joy over democrats being handed the House before one vote was tallied, it is the same ruse of Mitt Romney being a strawman to Obama.

There are three realities in this:

Donald  Trump was in on this.

Donald Trump is so weak that he was forced into this.

Donald Trump is vacuous of the Bush Pence coup operating against him.

I conclude it is the second reality, because Mr. Trump allowed the smearing and destruction of the innocent Christian Judge Roy Moore and there has been a systematic use of  "Trump" allies from West Virginia, to South Dakota to Arizona to destroy Conservatives for the handing over of seats to Rhino.
This is a reality in Donald Trump did absolute nothing for two years to stop vote fraud, but instead disbanded the commission. Mr. Trump put Mitt impeachment Romney's relative to head the RNC, and by this Pence Bush group behind the sabotaging of the GOP for the ending of MAGA and the impeachment of Donald Trump.

When I informed you the Republic was dead and this was our chance to resurrect it, that is gone. What you have now is your record before God in doing what is right, and voting what is right, but the entire electoral system is corrupt. It will be used to accomplish what has been taking place the past two years in the rapine of America, the diversion of rally around socialist Trump as the mean democrats run the red herrings of Trump tax records and impeachment, which the Senate will not allow, but as stated, we now will have the Gay Simba of the Senate in Lindsey Graham railing while thoughtful Mitt Romney contemplates and channels John McCain's ghost to do the right thing which of course is to give voice to the people in the elected majority of the House, to hear the evidence in the US Senate.

As of this moment, the running out of the clock has been complete in the House has ceased to investigate the Robert Mueller witch hunt. What should have been wrapped up and put an end to, now becomes the festering sore on the Trump Presidency.

Remember, we are speaking about Pence 2020 as this came from inside the GOP, the Mike Pence, Katie Walsh, Jeb Bush GOP.
Does it make a bit more sense why Mr. Trump has Corey Lewandowski back at the White House?

Democrat Jennifer Wexton unseated Republican incumbent
Barbara Comstock in a fiercely contested race in
their suburban Virginia district

I told you by God's Grace that this was Jeb Bush's victor lap and by God's Grace what I warned  you all of months ago has become the reality, as a  coup was engaged in, inside the GOP against Donald Trump, against you, against MAGA, and the fact is Donald Trump did nothing to stop it.

Crying over spilled milk is tears shed for nothing. It is why I look for Christ's return where my efforts will not be let down. I consider the misuse of the blog by the powers that be. They fully intended to bring about this overthrow of the 2016 election and knew that upon honesty I would not go down the path of the cover up in blindly bleating for Jeb Bush's 3rd term for Birther Hussein.
The Republicans were told to retire in record numbers or face the consequences which set this entire  secondary coup up. The Mockingbird knew that which I constructed, the Truth would disassemble.  It is why those in power did not reward me as I would have been more of a cheerleader for Donald John if I was not under so much stress. You non donors added to this stress and the facts continued to be posted. The net result was what this blog predicted in the 2018 midterms would be Jeb Bush's victory lap.

The Obama legacy is secured in place. There will not be any repeal of Obamacare as this money pit is pure profit as there is money in people dying. Brett Kavanaugh is the posterboy for all things Obama perpetual.

Can Donald Trump turn this around in more WWE theater for 2020? Yes, but he can not defeat Mike Pence in this coup.

I though was not worth the money for installing Donald Trump by God's Grace, I was kept in poverty to expose the reality of this Pence situation, and I am not about to be donated to by Trump 2020.
I have  bigger problems then fixed elections, in coups, in the poverty, the homelessness, the dealing with trying to keep a mother from dying, and the popular girl has bills just like the rich people.

Donald Trump celebrated this loss. Kelly Conway was pleased in spending 30 minutes with reporters spinning this end of MAGA and the cementing of Obama as great news.

45m45 minutes ago
Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all!

It all comes back to the reality of the fraud of all of this. America will never resurrect. The genocide of the White race is a completion in 50 years. America will be balkanized, not on state levels, but on county levels as the overthrow is complete by Bush43, Obama and Trump foreign vermin and Jerry Brown of California, having exported his affluent vermin to the northwest, southwest and Colorado to overthrow traditional Reagan Blue States.
It all comes down now to the fiscal collapse and war on the DIA terms.

If Donald Trump had kept just some of his  word, if the GOP had not been Obama policy protectors for two years, there would have been Republican advances, but that is not what the manipulation of America was about in this vote suppression. It is not fool women voting or fool illegals. It is keeping fraud in place.

Once again Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, even with all these hardships God still Inspired and  you were told the future before it happened, as only you read things here.

As it is in my interest to point out to the rich that their portfolios are not secure, and the coming attractions point to a 50% plus reduction in stock prices, that when you shift your fortunes around to not be bankrupted, to toss some of those 5 figure amounts here, as they will not be there as it will be in the DIA's interest to foment a Russian invasion of Europe to deal with Sebastian Kurz superstate in that Great European War.

The Lame Cherry now returns you to the Jeb Bush victory lap.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The 2018 Midterms are Jeb Bush's Victory Lap
