Saturday, November 10, 2018


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a saying that the more things change the more things stay the same, and yet in the transformation of Europe from welfare suckling of America of the 20th century to the 21st century Super State of Sebastian Kurz, is one where all things change, but nothing stays the same, as while the Kurz era is a perfect ascendancy  from Adolf Hitler's struggle, Kurz is not aligned in the least with the former dogma, while Donald Trump in America with his WWE theater is far more the pose of Benito Mussolini military fascism.

That is not to degrade any in this examination, but instead is to compare the rise of the titans for the transformation of the world from 20th to 21st century. This begins in the reality of Adolf Hitler in he was a product of Woodrow Wilson's draconian 'armistice' and not of socialism.

The fact is that Adolf Hitler was a World War I hero. He was wounded multiple times, decorated, and even championed by his Jewish superior in the Wehrmacht. That is why the genesis of Nazism was not even Hitler's at all. The fact is Adolf Hitler after being injured was appointed as Bildungofficer,  of the VII District's Command. His task as appointed  was to condition obedience in the military to the new Republic.

The job was propaganda, and designed by the military to keep soldiers from being brainwashed into dogmas of pacifism, socialism and democracy. Notice in this that Nazis were National Socialists and Hitler's job was to keep soldiers from socialism which were dangerous influences in the communist menace.

Captain Ernst Rohm, Hitler's superior actually joined the Nationalist movement in Munich in the German Worker's Party, and advised Hitler to join too. It was from this that two soldiers in Lt. Rudolf Hess and Sergeant Major Max  Amann joined this movement, and Rohm organized the Friekops and the toughest soldiers into the SA or Sturmabeitling into a street fighting force.
Even the communists were built from the ground up in former soldiers. This was the organization which was enveloping Europe. Volunteer Patriots who formed militias, transformed into political unions where their rifles were to become the ballot boxes, for the ascension of a evolution of a movement sweeping Europe.

This was the Fuhrerprinzip, which all things became subordinate from Church, to government, to schools, to businesses and trade unions, to this military leadership. It was the discipline of the military which swept these movements forward and transformed the individual with liberty to a nation at liberty of one identity.  It was the Friekorps become a political union.

This is fascinating in the rise of Adolf Hitler as much as the rise of Donald Trump as of Vladimir Putin. Mr. Putin was a product of Russian intelligence to bring stability to Russia after Anglo American meddling.  Donald Trump was a direct product of the American DIA, in this junta was a mutating form metastasizing against the very voters who believed in MAGA.

In this Sebastian Kurz has proven he is neither Nationalist nor Right Wing. His policies have instead reflected a European Globalism based in Socialism. Kurz like Hitler was opportunistic in seizing the political surge of thee moment. Once seized, the political dogma was replaced as power was concentrated, and in this Sebastian Kurz moved for European Federalism to focus his power, and wed himself to Jewry for the greater picture of the coming European Super State which will oversee both North African and Near Asia.

Both though Adolf Hitler and Sebastian Kurz moved to the necessity of the realization of transforming a weak European military into an international military to be feared. Adolf Hitler began with a disarmed 100,000 man force and Sebastian Kurz has begun with a feckless NATO force, but is moving for a Franco Germanic force capable of not just defense, but projecting Pan European power upon the world.

Interestingly in this, is the fact that all when ready moved with military force to achieve diplomatic ends. Donald Trump moved with force in Asia, Putin in Chechnya, Hitler in German lands and Kurz for European security against Muslim vermin invaders.

The world of these new conglomerate house leaders is one where the people only matter as an ethos of a mirage of legitimacy, for the people toil not nor do they spin with these world leaders. There is only a reality of one order, one leader and one voice. The people have vanished in purpose and the purpose of the leadership is of a completely different order.

The people matter as an anesthetic to the impending holocaust. There are not any fists or shattered nights in the Kurz rise to power. There is simply the steady rise like the sun at dawn. The volk do not need to be led where they are already going.


Nuff Said
