Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Golden Thread of Nikolas Cruz

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This lynch mob mentality which plagues America led by Gayway Pundit and others who have some grievance against others in attempting to deny them their rights is a mob mentality without excuse, because as John Adams defended in court British soldiers accused of murdering Americans, every person enjoys the golden thread of being INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN COURT BY A JURY OF THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS.

There is outrage at Gayway and the father of a girl who was killed in Florida in a mass shooting in Nikolas Cruz is a registered vote and could vote, along with other's registered in the jail who were not convicted yet of felonies.

Until Nikola Cruz is convicted of a felony, he has every right and Constitutional protection as every other non convicted Citizen. Rights do not simply end because of a heinous crime or you do not like the person.

A Parkland shooting victim’s father expressed his outrage on Saturday over the fact that his daughter’s killer is able to vote.

Andrew Pollack said he’s sick to his stomach because Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz is registered to vote.
His beautiful daughter, Meadow Pollack would have been able to vote in this midterm election if she were still alive, said Andrew Pollack.
Sheriff Israel allowed people into the jail this summer to register Nikolas Cruz and other animals to vote. Wonderful.

Let us take up Gayway's position in denying Cruz his rights to vote and other rights. What happens if a real investigation takes place and we discover that Cruz was conditioned to show up at the school by his  handlers, and we find out that Cruz was outside when the shooting was taking place, and it was a mysterious helmet shielded shooter inside, because Cruz in his uber ride did not have time to put on his supposed gear before the shooting started.

The Lame Cherry is no bleeding heart liberal page, but there are laws to protect every person innocent and guilty from being lynched by whatever the fetish of the ruling mob is.

Gayway had great pride in protecting sodomite criminals from the law, now it is the law that they are above the law for their sexual deviance as homosexual rights were the stepping stone to pedophilia legalization. Homosexuals are pedophiles who rape children and yet it is termed homophobic to try and protect children from rape.

That is the upside down world of legalities America is. A Jew kid is not Jewish enough as Ben Shapiro was willing to lynch him for political gain, and now this Jew kid is not Jewish enough to have his rights protected, until the day a jury does convict him on the evidence.

There are numbers of minorities now who desire Andrew Pollack to have his rights denied due to "White Privilege".   White's in South Africa are denied their rights due to race by Negroid communists now ruling there. It is the Golden  Thread of innocence and the rights of that Citizen protected against all whims.

We just had two years of the framing of Donald Trump by liberals and liberals calling for his harm and his imprisonment. Gayway stood for Mr. Trump as others have. Standing for the Law though is not a choice of picking and choosing. It is the Law or at this moment Donald Trump would have suffered all kinds of harmful treatment from Robert DeNiro to others threatening the President.

Rights are for everyone, whether you agree with the person or like the person or not.

If Nikolas Cruz is convicted, then is the legal time for the ending of parts of his rights, as in voting, liberty and gun ownership, and yes even life if the court sentences. Until then Nikolas Cruz has the same golden thread as all of us. Without it, we are all targets in having or rights denied, as that is the evolution in America of criminalizing Americans in denying them their rights.
Americans can not leave America now without a passport. Without an ID, the police can detain you until they identify you.  Under Patriot Act the government can hold any American indefinitely. Under Jeff  Sessions he moved law enforcement to confiscate and seize private property on accusing innocent people.

The Golden Thread is already shredded. If you have a problem with Cruz voting then uphold the law to a SPEEDY TRIAL, instead of the sham of the profit for justice system.

Nuff Said
