Monday, November 5, 2018

HAARP Hates Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Loot at what I caught today at 6 PM eastern in the above NOAH grab. You are going  to have to watch ths  close at the end, as I was wondering what the  second HAARP monsoon of the season had to do with Donald  Trump and election day as  repressed voter numbers would seem to harm the President's GOP group.

Look at Missouri on the map, and then  right above into Iowa, and watch the empty space in the last image simply explode with moisture, which again is  another impossibility.

This is a mirror image of previous  HAARP storms meant to pound GOP regions. One can witness the Ilinois blog ripping the guts out of this storm, while the base is anchored on the Minnesota border.

Watch the  close up of this on the Minnesota border, as the moisture literally there looks like it is hitting a wall, an atmospheric dam, because it is.

Someone at Weathermods is using the same nuclear fall out quarantine precipitation barrier, in order to retard voting in specific corn and soybean areas who are being buried as second time, because of Trump's embargo on soybeans to China which is a hot button issue from the Dakotas to Ilinois.

If Donald Trump is throwing this election, he certainly has help in HAARP. If this is not Mr.  President,  the why is John Kelly of DIA not in control of the Weathermods as raining on Mr. President, Mr, Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh in Missouri seems like a soggy treatment for Mr. Donald John.

This now moves  into the Mideast for election day in places where Mr. Trump has been investing in campaign time.

Just will be interesting to witness as to what the results will be.
