Monday, November 5, 2018

The Shattering of America at Key Historical Points

Lawrence Sinclair asking who murdered Obama sex partner, Donald Young


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Lawrence Sinclair is someone who has proven what the words hero and patriot mean as he is the definition. For those who do not know who Mr. Sinclair is, he was a man who exposed Barack Hussein Obama for the fraud he was. When everyone else in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord was hiding in phobic fear of Obama racism, Larry Sinclair rose to found a movement which placed Donald Trump into the White House. I was there before the Birthers appeared, which became the tax protesting Tea Party, which became the movement to stop communist Obama, which became the movement Donald Trump with the DIA formed into a coalition to keep Hillary Clinton from stealing the 2018 AD in the year of our Lord election.
Lawrence Sinclair is the antithesis of the John Wayne package, but I admire him immensely as this man will not back down from anything.
Joe Biden was sent out as Obama's hatchet man to shut down the murder of Donald Young who was Obama's homosexual sex partner in Jeremiah's Wright's church in Chicago, and to shut up Lawrence Sinclair. The Delaware Mafia run by Biden's boy, tried to put Mr Sinclair into prison for life over trumped up charges, and this group under George W. Bush, yes Michelle Obama's George. took away Mr. Sinclair's life support in his disability. It was mean and nasty what was engaged in, including arresting Mr. Sinclair and "loosing" him for a weekend in the DC tombs.

Now you tell me if any of you have those kinds of credentials is being Barack Obama's first political prisoner.

In all of this, Lawrence Sinclair never backed down.  He took on anyone and everyone in the Obama Biden machine who came after him. I seem to recall the genesis of the Fogbow group who just adored me as their popular girl, in it was two fat black guys who seemed to be on the Obama gay way side. They started harassing Mr. Sinclair and he confronted them face to face and that is where I remember the pictures of Mr. Sinclair with them. The black guys were just Obama supporters and were a big zealous. As you can see they have pages of recordings on Mr. Sinclair, but in newly published information, it begins to make sense why all of these criminal attacks on Mr. Sinclair and others, even the death threats against Mr. Sinclair were never touched by the FBI, as it appears Robert Mueller with the Obama Clinton deep state, infiltrated this group or overthrew it, like the Southern Poverty Law Center and they began framing Americans for Robert Mueller.

Larry Sinclair sings - Page 14 - Fogbow

Larry Sinclair's allegations involving Obama, cocaine, and a limo — set in 1999, when Obama was a state senator — failed to gain broad coverage for a variety of reasons, including lack of corroboration and Sinclair's record of crimes involving deceit.

The George W. Bush and Barack Obama conduit in all of these criminal terrorist attacks on Americans, appears to be centered in Robert Mueller's FBI, which being formed in his own image, was set loose on America under James Comey with the most infamous in the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, under the direction of Special Agent Gregory Bretzing who was rewarded upon the election of Donald Trump with a special sweetheart job created just for him. We now know from the Bundy's being targeted that this came from the deep state, and is a fascinating part of this which has not been covered in Sara Carter revelations, nor in Sean Homo Hannity coverage, which again begs the question in the BATFE admission in the framing of the Hutatree innocents, that they had over 100 moles informing and instigating situations in that many groups across America, just how much of this mix and match of John Brennan led Pissgate, mingled with Clinton lawyers, Bush and Rubio funding, and Peter Strzok using the innocent Lisa Page and planting stories in the media to frame Donald Trump supporters to obtain FISA warrants, just how many of these Fogbow collectives are running operations for the police state and being protected.
Just how many frame up operations are being run from Rod Blagojevich to Donald Trump which are known, and how many are being run against Americans who are not wealthy enough to protect themselves?

The person asking about the Fogbow connection is Tim Brown, who did the best work in the Bundy series of stories, and survived the hurricane of regime released trolls on the internet smearing everyone who was writing on or supporting LaVoy Finnicum. The narrative in that 2008 AD in the year of our Lord period was Western peoples in America were to all be shot down. Mr. Brown is now asking the questions of the Robert Mueller connection to all of this.

Seditionist "Fogbow" Group Worked Hand In Glove With Robert Mueller To Frame Navy Veterans

Mueller has been investigating a Russian collusion allegedly involving the Trump campaign for nearly two years with absolutely no evidence that has been brought forward proving that it ever took place.  Mueller worked in the coverup of 9/11.  And he's been involved in framing our veterans.  When is someone going to bring some justice to Robert Mueller?

The question in this which requires an examination which does not appear to be asked by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Assistant Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, nor Director Christopher Wray of the FBI, is exactly what did this man who posed for some very disturbing jarhead photos in his "career" in enjoying killing people in Vietnam, sow into America in this macabre and illegal mix beyond NGO's, but Robert Mueller creating a network of operatives outside of government, controlled by the government in order to frame and destroy innocent Americans.

Robert Mueller, only killing people was exciting.
So what is exciting is using the FBI and DOJ to terrorize and destroy Americans?
Mueller had originally considered making the Marines his career, but he explained later that he found non-combat life in the Corps to be unexciting

It appears that whatever was torn down in the 1970's by the US Congress in the CIA network of deep state assassinations featuring John Kennedy and the framing of Richard Nixon, in the murder of former CIA Director William Colby,  and the remnants displaced in the death of CIA Director William Casey in Iran Contra, reappeared with the driving force of the Clinton's Eric Holder at US Justice, in the mass murders at OKC, Branch Davidians and Ruby Ridge, to become fully operational in  Eric Holder's replacement, who was George W. Bush appointee, Robert Swan  Mueller.

There is a threaded connection in all of this which runs through the decades in creating patsies for crimes, being reigned  in, and then reappearing again using a mix of agents, moles and zealots to achieve a political end which shattered America at key points. It is a creature above the law and protected by the law.

Robert Mueller did not create this creature, he simply let it loose from it's cage again.

President Dwight Eisenhower being lectured to by Prescott Bush

