Thursday, November 29, 2018

It's Not a Wonderful Life

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thank you to those who have shared sympathy and memorials. This will be a short update as I really feel sick in the old ailment which almost killed me before, due to all of this stress. I am convinced something wants to kill me and it appears to be succeeding.

The reason is we have an appointment tomorrow with the place mom made her will out. She was on heating assistance, and so I thought I would try and apply. That required my tax returns from last year and that is when I noticed something seemed off in the numbers the person who did them had recorded.

I do not know where she got the number, but it is the wrong number and showed that we had a loss on the farm here. That meant all I had been Obama gouged was refunded from 2016 which I celebrated at the time and never bothered to check as mom handled most things then.
In adding up what 2017 numbers were, they were about 3 times higher, which has me sick in my guts as the refund I was celebrating is going to be returned, and I expect to be nailed on the back taxes in this nightmare which I am guessing is going to consume more of my time and energy in which there is no end to this as each day keeps getting worse and worse. When this started, I was worried about 1800 bucks to heat this place for the winter and now I am wondering what will be left after this tax situation gets worked out and the lawyer handles mom's will.

I did the right thing in burying mom at 7000 dollars, but this was all set up to hammer me in these salvos as this is pure evil. I keep thinking I can not take anymore and a mountain falls on me each day worse than the one before.
There is absolutely not anyway to get ahead in this life.  The rich won't donate when mom's legs were about septic. They won't donate when she dies, and they sure never cared about me before all of this in the problems I had.

I can see why George jumped off the bridge, but there is not going to be any angel to save me.

It is not a wonderful life. It is a misery which crushes the 99% and I am the one wanting it all to be over with.

Nuff Said.
