As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have noticed that Vice President Mike Pence has been appearing a great deal in the press lately as President. His latest Ivanka and Jared type planted story had a fiction that Mike Pence was staring down President Vladimir Putin. The problem is I actually have the photos and Pence does not look tough, instead he looks either constipated or the wife stuck a dildo up his butt during intercourse and part of it broke off and was still up there or Pence looks like a psycho.
The reality is, that story attempting to brush President Trump aside, presents Vladimir Putin as the greatest leader on the planet and Mike Pence is trying to aspire to that level. That is a grave miscalculation of Mike Pence and those who are behind this..........but before you allow yourself to be fooled by that line, because I found this in the British press.......meaning Katie Walsh's groupies who at MI6 ran Pissgate, and as you connect the dots this is once again Theresa May trying to start a war between America and Russia again, and Pence is a willing dupe, while the British are up to their cadaver creator status again with nuclear weapons this time.

Mike Pence stares down Vladimir Putin for 20 seconds as he ...
Putin said he and Pence spoke on the side-lines of the ASEAN conference, discussing arms control and other issues Putin said he and Pence spoke on the side-lines of the Association of Southeast ...
I do try to picture Mike Pence as President. He does not seem Presidential though. He seems what he is as a kind of Edward III coup plotter for the Bush family as that is what he is. Do I think he could drop nukes on children? Do I think he could dump biologicals on entire cities? Do I think that he could target those who expose him? Sure I do, but being a lurker is not the same as being a President like Putin or Trump. If Donald Trump had his feet under him instead of being gang banged by everyone in the swamp, Pence would not be a match, but with so many diversions and Melania being played so easy, Donald Trump is off the game.
I mean you try and picture Mike Pence in his arisen role, as a great leader like Adolf Hitler, you start feeling uncomfortable in what joke Mike Pence is, as he is no Ronald Reagan, no Donald Trump, no Richard Nixon, and yet he is really Hitler light too.

Make that Hitler White.

I mean take a direct look at der Fueher and General Kietel.
Then look at Pence and Junta Kelly in the same guise.

Ridiculous is what Mike Pence is. For all the Mike Pence looks which look like he just shit his pants with juicy prune shits by his expressions, he simply is not in the league of the greatness of leaders who changed the world.
Pence is clearly something like a Justin Trudeau, a Manu Macron, a Theresa May. He might be passable like HW Bush if Ronald Reagan had paved the way for winning the Cold War, but Mike Pence is the coup plotter bringing down President Trump, and he is clearly not up to being President or being one heartbeat away from the Presidency. He just has that arrogant Harry Truman snarl not understanding he is still the joke everyone was laughing at.
America wasted 12 years of Bushism which could not handle bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. What is out there now is beyond that and it is going to take more than Pence White to deal with it.
Nuff Said