Saturday, November 24, 2018

Table of Duties: Society

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Society does not mean being a lazy and selfish in expecting others to uphold the fabric of a nation, while you go out and sow upheaval in your community which costs the world.
Society means you holding up your moral end every day, so others are not working themselves to death trying make up for millions of others like you, who will answer in hell.

- Lame Cherry

As I type this, here am I working on the Office of the Keys and Confession, and thinking I was getting close to done with Luther's Catechism in the Sacrament of the Altar, but that hopefully follows yet, as the Table of Duties which has appeared here, is yet to be written.

This is the last of the Duties in the Duty of Everyone, and when Martin Luther wrote the Catechism for instruction, he resided in a Germany which was not Germany, but provinces of allied German princes in a Holy Roman Empire. It was an authoritarian state and there was not going to be a Republican form of Government for over 200 years  in America.

Western society has been  deliberately broken by those of satan, spiritually, morally and economically to genocide the true Christian inheritors for cartel of darkness of the devil. Everyone knows something is wrong from their jobs to their nations. It is now an organized debt gulag of slavery of the police state, and more human vermin are being dumped in, to destroy the system of government. See there is a duty of society, in the 10 Commandments and it is not to steal from God or others. The growing majority all though think that they can steal without putting into society the necessary responsibility of morality and caring.

A criminal looks around and says why should I go to school to get massive debt when I can sell dope on the street and earn money like a banker. The banker looks around and says, "Why not launder money for dope dealers through franchises which pour money into Wall Street". Politicians sell out to the conglomerates. The police collect their bribery in great retirement and paychecks while being immune to the society at large which are unhappy, and society finds ways to cheat from using the narcotics of sex, drugs or welfare as the majority have concluded nothing will be here, so what is the point is making the feudal few even more rich at their expense.

That is why culture is rotting, and the diminishing Christian population is not enough stitching in time to save the tearing which can not be patched.

We all know societal order, where people are trusted rightly to police themselves. Yes with proper courts and punishment as a thin line, Reagan's America disciplined itself well as people can be trusted, when they are treated fairly.

One can view the splendor of the night sky created by God, with every star like that of a human, and in that God visits each of us in our most important position as a creation of God. satan and it's rapine wards have convinced humans that they are worthless, when nothing can be further from the Truth. Humans are special. That does not me arrogant and haughty at being a divine creation, but instead humbled by the fact that God made us to be His Spiritual children and we have a Duty in our self worth and a Responsibility in our position to rightly stand on our hind legs, not be animals or brutes, but well  armed Spiritually and physically to always be good people who will not submit to satan or even legalized immorality.
The Supreme Court has zero standing in legalizing sodomy before the eternal Court of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember who laid down the Law as that Law will never vanish.

Psalm 8:

3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

Martin Luther rightly points out that we are to Love God and Care for each other, to prove that we are Spiritual goodness and not more world political fakery.

To Everyone

The commandments … are summed up in this one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Rom. 13:9
I urge … that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone. 1 Tim. 2:1
Let each his lesson learn with care, and all the household well shall fare.

Everyone has  the duty to police ourselves, because then we do not need the police or the expenses of the police state. Policing yourselves sets an example to children, and children who learn that they are required to be responsible develop self worth and that means the home is a place of peace, as people stop thinking they can let someone else wait on them, instead of always helping out.
Each home at peace, is a community at peace, of pride, and each community becomes cities and counties and entire states at peace, who have balanced budgets and tax services paid for, with working people earning a good wage, not being gouged by developers, are an organized society on a national scale of a prosperous and secure nation for all.

That is all broken now to impoverish the many by the few, without Luther's benevolent Christian German Princes advocating for their subjects. Gone is Henry Ford who paid his workers enough to purchase the automobiles he was manufacturing. What has risen is a political gulag where everything from self induced diseases for profit to welfare wards, is all about the conglomerate degrading the creation of God to the place of the insect colony to collect honey from.

Without duty, society dies. That does not mean though that the Christian stops being Faithful or performing their Duty in society. There is still the responsibility of moral example in not becoming someone Jesus will cast away in Judgment. For this is what this is all about. It is easy to be a smiling Christian with a million dollars in the bank, sitting in a pew. It is not easy when a Christian is being persecuted and robbed. It is not easy being a Christian doing what is right every day, with a world being rewarded for being whores and thieves, but that is what Duty is. David still delighted in the 10 Commandments while hiding a cave, as those Commandment were his Duty and is Comfort, even while his situation was stones for pillows. The Virgin Mary did not with Joseph toss the baby Jesus into an orphanage, but answered their Duty as moral people as the foundation of the Christian Faith. Think about that in if Joseph had bolted and had Mary stoned for being pregnant, there never would have been a Jesus. Duty is what you do in making the hard decision in hard times, and all of us exist in hard times now.

I featured John Wayne from the movie McClintock, as he had the perfect statement in what Christian America is. A character named  Dev was upset in being a cow hand and was not worthy of John's daughter. John Wayne told him, "I don't know comes out of your mouth sometimes as we all work for someone.  You work for me, and I work for everyone who wants a beef steak out of Kansas City. We all have a job and we all hold our head up as we do our job". That is what Duty is, in a President is nothing without a nation of people, a policeman is nothing without the majority of society paying his wage and not hiding the criminal,  and the most important are the millions in the silent majority who raise Christian children, pay their bills and are good Citizens, which you never hear about, but are castigated as deplorables, because the feudal few want these people who will not yield to immorality removed, as they can not be manipulated.

Society is an order, not from the police, but from the heart. Society has requirements in having the Right to establish Justice and secure the blessings of responsible liberty for the Citizen now and for their offspring. We can all understand that the order is broken deliberately now, but we still have  the Duty to uphold our individual hearts for we as Christians answer to God.

Even when your society is seeking to rape Angels in Sodom, you have a Duty not join in.

Nuff Said
