Sunday, November 4, 2018

NSA Double Trouble

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The above screenshot from the inner workings of this blog probably does not mean a great deal to you, but it is something which I have been putting up with for some time, as every time I start publishing something about Mockingbird or something shining the light on the ivory dungeon, this computer freezes up.

Being  poor it is not any secret that I run Windows  XP and not an updated flamethrower. To be honest, I would still much rather be running Windows 98 as you simply could get at the guts of the operating system to see what was taking place and remove all those files which were spying on you. My reason for not running 98 is XP is quicker on installs and my Dell 430 does not have a cd drive in it.

Now back to another Lame Cherry mystery which I have never witnessed before on any system or heard of this. My system when it locks up, I hit the CONTROL ALT DELETE which  brings up the Task Manager,and in the capture below you can see  that on my one system with one browser open, that I am running two browsers on the same page. I  am not doing this, so it means someone is mirror imaging everything I am doing. As my system is old, it from time to time locks up as it simply does not have enough brains to run the same operation piggyback, so it freezes.


These are some hellacious freezes too as  I hit end program or task, repeatedly and nothing happens. What ha control over my system is refuses to relinquish it and  it takes usually ten  minutes to things to start shutting down.
When I was showing TL, TL had never witnessed anything like it, because it is like the old 486 processors on those Pentium Pro 200's that the entire screen just sort of slowly wipes, before coming back. This last time it was very long and slow.

If I was running Windows 7 or a faster processor, I would never notice that I was double recording everything like an old keylogger, but in Blogger it literally is ripping everything I am doing. It sort of explains why sometimes my gigs which are limited disappear.

This is not a trojan or malware as I have the firewalls and anti virus for all of that. Oh and my AVG a week ago simply shut down, told me it was still protecting me, and after about a week of that, it simply started working again. The only groups who have this kind of surveillance are those who built it in the intelligence fields. I am always amazed that they break into my drafts, they can read whatever I am writing as it will post, but what appears here is so interesting that they need a live drive feed of what I am writing. Apparently someone is  most interested in the information here in heads up and they are reacting to it in their multi billion dollar agencies.

I think it would just be more simple if they hired me. What did they pay that old duff Halper, something like a million dollars? Hell they contract with me for 250,000 a year, plus retirement and benefits, and I will write this stuff using the NSA server and it can post to Blogger. That sounds like a real deal to me. If they threw in some perks like cognac, firearms or like cannons they didn't want, with making me like a Commodore, I would be most pleased to do this for a few years before going fishing full time.

It is what it is though and is made a  record here in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How is a working girl supposed to eat with the non donors and the NSA stealing things here for free.

