Sunday, November 4, 2018

Lindsey feces penis Graham

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You really should be alerted what a fraud Lindsey Graham is as the New  York  Times loved John McCain and Jeb Bush, so you know this CIA Mockingbird media outlet in championing Graham is  being initiated to do so, in order for Graham to be the gay beefcakery of the Neo  Trump party as the Republican  Party goes third party over the edge as Webster Griffin Tarpley revealed during Hamrod Clinton's run.

Graham is to be your leader so a new one does not arise. He handles this correctly, and he has the opportunity of a future to lead millions over the abyss.

What Happened to Lindsey Graham?
He’s Become a Conservative ‘Rock Star’

New York Times, by Sheryl Gay Stolberg    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 11/2/2018 7:47:24 PM     Post Reply
CHESTERFIELD, Mo. — Senator Lindsey Graham’s bipartisan overtures — on immigration, foreign policy, even investigations of President Trump — once made him a darling of Democrats, a Republican dealmaker to be wooed to the center. But when the South Carolina Republican turned up in this St. Louis suburb to campaign against a Democratic colleague, Claire McCaskill, the crowd of Trump-loving women and red-hatted men practically swooned, bathing in the reflected glow of the president they adore — who now adores Lindsey Graham. Mr. Graham, crisscrossing the country to turn out the Republican vote against the centrist Democratic senators who

For those with shit for brains in needing to be reminded, Lindsey Graham in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord was John McCain's waterboy in the primaries to siphon votes off Donald Trump and steal the nomination for Jeb Bush.

Graham was calling Donald Trump a jackass for the GOPliters.

Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number ...

Just hours after South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham called Donald Trump a "jackass," Trump retaliated by reading Lindsey Graham's cell phone number into the microphone during a speech in South ...

Now though we have Lindsey Graham eulogizing the traitor John McCain and Donald Trump phoning up "in the gay ear" about what a great guy he is.

LINDSEY GRAHAM STUNS CNN Host… Reveals What Trump Said In ...

Graham then stunned Bash by telling her that after his speech on the Senate floor where he honored Senator McCain, he received a touching phone call from President Trump, telling him "That was very sad.

I am telling you that Graham is having the skids greased so all hell does not break  loose when Donald  Trump nominates  this fraud to something. This is all an act to get the base fired up, supporting bullshit and being betrayed again in having horseshit on  their faces.

This is Mockingbird. In the 80's it was Orin Hatch, the best friend of Teddy Kennedy, carrying water for Ronald  Reagan. When that swan song ran out, it was Hatch betraying Mark Levin who was a real patsy in  that election. Shep  Smith was all Bush43, and then went Obama like all of FOX did. If you have a leader in the right or left being championed, you can bet they  are deep  state and their mission is to lead the lemmings down the path, Bernie Sanders was in the last presidential race, and this Beto O'Rourke was in the race to suck all the money out of democratic donors so that Mitch McConnell could keep control over the Senate. This is the game in this and if yo believe Lindsey Graham's  new rhetoric  after he was nothing but pro amnesty and McCain treason for decades, then you are an absolute fool.

Remember gay ear, was with the new leftist Marco  Rubio, with John McCain, promoting the ISIS Obama terrorists in the Mideast.

Lindsey Graham: Trying To Amend Constitution On Gay Marriage Would Hurt GOP | HuffPost

You barnstorm across  the United States for candidates to glean political leverage on what you want. For Graham that would mean amnesty and installing more Bush frauds into the regime.  I have not inquired on this but I could see Graham with the DIA, as that is who Graham works for as does Donald John, could end up ousting Pompeo or Mattis, be on the Supreme Court bringing more sodomy to America or there might be an outside chance that Pence will be ousted to the court, and Graham become the new attack dog for Donald Trump. What is certain is that Graham is employed to do this to deceive the public. Look Hatch was good until Reagan was gone as Hatch fulfilled his mission like Arlen Specter or Larry Pressler.
Graham will only be as good as long as your entire political movement will be on the line.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

