Tuesday, November 27, 2018

One Dead Mother and Christine Blasey Ford's 650,000 Payday

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about the unfairness of life. Liberals are a group where if they get a hangnail, that mob can not swipe their credit cards fast enough online to donate, as in the 650 to 750,000 that Christine Blasey Ford has walked away with.

I on the other hand, put up real pictures of my mom's injuries, all we were doing for her in 3 weeks of hell, after a year of hell, which others have shared they have went through too or are currently going through, just had my mom die in my arms, and not one rich Conservative, Christian or whatever has come forward with a 7000 dollar funeral pittance compared to Christine Blasey Ford or a 750,000 dollar donation with their most charitable of we love America more than others rants.

I do not understand any of that. I tell the Truth. I have saved lives. I have given America a chance when none existed. I am still warning everyone of what is coming in all the hell and sickness we have been through, and none of the people who have contacted me or donated are rich, but most are in the same jeopardy as all America is.

Sure Sean Hannity can drop 5 gs on a waiter as a stunt and Limbaugh can make the big donation to some cancer thing, and you know the rest of the names of this group, but from my experience, the rich people on the right are nothing like the rich people on the left. Rich people on the right are tightwads who walk on the other side of the road expecting some poor Good Samaritan to do the shit jobs while they go on to luxury.
Sure there is a Judgment which they will answer for, but how in this world of sodomite abomination liberals, are they more generous and have more Christian and Conservative virtue, than those who claim they are the carriers of the torch?

I have witnessed this in politicians in if I asked a democrat for help, they busted their asses to get me forms. A republican could care less and most ignored me.

Money up the ass liberals or tight ass conservatives. I tire of this rat maze experiment in daily finding out what kind of heartless people are on the right, and no wonder the poor people on the right are all dying out, as their wealthy class does their worst "Am I my brother's keeper" line every day of their lives.

Nuff Said
