Monday, November 26, 2018

opec oil production agreement

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For  all of the trumpeting of Donald Trump concerning Saudi Arabia expanding oil production to drop prices in the United States, the fact is that OPEC was already cutting a deal to be hosted by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria, in early December in Vienna to CUT PRODUCTION.

OPEC’s leaders will already be taking this into account to set up a production cut agreement early December in Vienna.

In the  grande scheme of things, cutting production RAISES PRICES AMERICAN WILL PAY. Europe could care less on what their people pay,  because this is about Vienna rewarding Russia in increased prices, a bribe to not attack Europe, and for Iran and other Muslim nations to pour those extra billions into European banks, where it is flowing in, in pure gold.
That is Chinese gold too, and Russia appreciates a Chinese economy strapped of cash and on the ropes, as so does Europe.

So unless Mr President is going to be able to get his Big Oil to keep prices low, when he could not do this to get the GOP elected, but prices dropped the day after election, rewarded democratic votes, you are looking at around 15% inflation next year. Couple that with a stock implosion, and all indications are that the economic 9 11 is appearing for America in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, by design once again out of Europe as in 2008 which put  Obama into power and this time it is OPEC clipping the eagles wings.

That is your heads up of what is coming. Sebastian Kurz has once again cut Donald Trump out of an energy deal, and OPEC is moving to destroy American oil and cripple the United States........that would be Saudi Arabia that Mr. President was just bragging on.

Some people have dead mothers to deal with, so this is the condensed version of events for all of you portfolio rich folks.

Nuff Said
