Thursday, November 1, 2018

Pablum Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In what has become my existence, the only thing that drags me here now is the Truth. I am beyond the luxury of caring, but post for your contemplation if the Trump Party, as the GOP under Paul Ryan becomes a feckless 3rd party, if you are really part of the New Republicans.

Pittsburgh and the Misplaced Anger of ‘Liberal’ Jews: May It’s Time for #Jexit
As far as I can  tell, the New Republicans are Blacks who Donald Trump will keep sex perverts and Kayne West around as tokens to break the democratic party and then this other group of Jewish aristocrats who are the leading force in the New Republican Party. Is your party a group whose focus is on urban economics of exploiting people and ghetto politics,as that is what you are being drawn into.

President Trump Emphasizes ‘Unbreakable Solidarity With Jewish People’ at Florida Rally

 Forget the token Jews like Kayne West, in backing Mr. President in his ending birthright citizenship of  anchor babies, as a feud with Paul Ryan. If you were going to get this, it would be done now, so do not hold your breath in another election year ploy to herd out the White remnant to sucker them to put forward a margin that Heidi Heitkamp can not steal an election in North Dakota over.

Legal Scholars Mark Levin & Daniel Horowitz: Yes, President Trump Can End Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Aliens With an Executive Order

Poll Of Likely Voters Shows Republicans Up In Tennessee, North Dakota

So this is Webster Griffin Tarpley's vision of a splitting of the Democratic party into a socialist and communist wings, with the GOP destroyed in being led by Whigged out Paul Ryan and Erick Erickson types. It is a place where Reagan Republicans have absolutely no political representation as babies are still being butchered, still a massive debt, still no peace with Russia, still no end to Obamacare, still no Christian America, still no establishment of gun rights, still no limited government, still no tax cuts for Americans.

Oh and in case you missed it, this blog will remind you that on October 20th, Donald Trump promised major tax cuts for you in 10 days. Well October 30th came and not a move or a peep about that, and none in the day which followed to today in November 1st.

'Major Tax Cut' Coming In 10 Days, Donald Trump Says - All ...

'Major Tax Cut' Coming In 10 Days, Donald Trump Says October 20, 2018 President Donald Trump announced Saturday that the administration plans to roll out a "major tax cut for middle income people" as soon as November 1, Bloomberg reports.
I see no future in Kayne Westicans and these Kushnercrats leading the Republican party in having left the democratic party off the plantation or modern carpetbaggers. I did not vote for any of this in 2016 and supporting JEB! as Obama's 3rd term has no interest for me in my poverty stricken condition.

Those who are trying to manipulate me for free, had better understand that I don't get into the harness for under 7 figures, as with these massive Trump taxes which Obama put into place, it will require over a million dollars to get things right for me.

I will vote for the shitty fake Republicans in my state up to a point in my own interests to stop tax increases which the GOP upped here anyway in another promise broken, but if there are alternatives, I am going to be voting Constitutional or whatever. I am not whore who fucks for free and peeking under my skirt does not make me a free fuck from two years ago when God had me write the Trump time line to change the entire politics of all of this.

7 figures as in poverty all I have is the Truth.

Nuff Said
