Friday, November 30, 2018

The American Jack Hinson

 Jack Hinson

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In Mr. Lincoln's War of genocide against the South, there were Christian men in the North, and there were evil zealots who engaged in the most reprehensible crimes against humanity.  The following is the story of a Tennessean named Jack Hinson, who as a slave holder, was no more Confederate than a Unionist. He was an American, as were his family and he wanted no part of the war nor the fighting, in not taking any side as his  country of Tennessee is the nation he was loyal to.

General Grant soon enough appeared to reacquire Tennessee and made the Hinson plantation his personal headquarters. The war moved on, the Union Federals occupied and Tennesseans did not appreciate those foreigners in their land, confiscating things, ruling them and being there. To this the bushwhackers appeared in guerilla hit and run operations against the Union Soldiers. The Union response was typical Lincoln heavy handed in extreme measures.

Those measures soon caught up with the neutral Hinson family, where the two boys one morning had gone off to deer hunt, Jack 22, and  George 17. A Yankee patrol captured the boys, and instead of investigating who the boys were, the lieutenant in charge had the boys tied to a tree, and then shot them.
It did not end with that, as the boys were then dragged back to town, their corpses dragged around the court house, their bodies then decapitated, and the heads taken back to the Hinson home, and put on gate posts for display.
At this point the  lieutenant was about to unleash on all the Hinson's when he was informed of the special relationship with General Grant, which dropped the matter, as General Grant would not have appreciated this kind of abuse.

Jack Hinson buried his boys, sent his family and slaves west, and then contracted for a sniper rifle in 50 caliber, weighing  17 pounds and could hit targets at 2000 yards.


Hinson's first kill was the lieutenant who murdered his boys as he rode at the head of his column. The second target was the Yankee who put his boys heads on the family home's gate post. The Union soon concluded who was behind a most effective sniper campaign in Jack Hinson, and with that Union burned the plantation to the ground.

Jack Hinson would  guide General Forest in Tennessee, and would die before the war ended as most of his family would in 1864 AD in the year of the Lord. Before he died his rifle would have 36 cuts placed into the barrel, signifying officer kills. The Union  accredited him with 130 kills, it was estimated that he killed 100 Union Soldiers, but the  fact remains that one Scottish American, who was neutral, was unleashed by war crime against his family.

Mr. Hinson is a Patriot like William  Wallace and should be honored and remembered as he carried out a fight against tyranny, as that is the state America had descended into in lost battles by the Union under Mr. Lincoln, where zealots unleashed with crimes against humanity against their own countrymen.

This is the story of a forgotten American who should never be forgotten, and it is why the modern powers are not overtly tying boys to trees and shooting them, lest the population realizes tyranny for what it is. It is far better psychological conditioning to allow the populace to be armed, and intimidating them to submission, as the same occupation removes the rights of Americans,  as was experienced by half the United States for a generation west of the Virginia line.

Nuff Said

