Friday, November 30, 2018

The Lone Flag Pole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the continuation of the analysis of English scholar of World War II, we find one of thee most adept understandings of Adolf Hitler in pure form and not of rhetoric. This is vital as thee most powerful leaders in Europe and America are all basing their political prowess on Mein Kampf as the blueprint for their strategies. The successful ones are adhering to the Struggle. The unsuccessful ones are fading into the twilight of history.

Few people realize that France started the second world war in January 1923 when their forces invaded Germany at the Rhineland, in order to extort payments from Germany for the first world war. It was this invasion which caused Adolf Hitler to move with his kampfbund, the battle league, led by General Ludendorff in the first Pusch.

This was an illegal act by Adolf Hitler and he learned never to attempt to illegally seize power, but instead to foment events or wait for other  events to overtake the weakness of other nations, namely France, for France in  weakness attempted to bully Germany, but France in that elevated Adolf Hitler to the national stage.

Herr Hitler learned in the Pusch that his political street thumpers in the brown shirts evaporated as it was only Hitler who arrived after being fired upon by the police. Never again would he trust the brown shirts, and would instead enlist the black shirt SS, for his most surgical political movements, after he had been granted full Constitutional authority as Feuhrer, a combining of Chancellor and President of Germany.

Hitler is often mocked for his service, but he was wounded five times and a highly decorated frontline combat Soldier. John  Keegan  terms him a military snob, and in that Hitler was, because he was a Soldier, and after being let down by the militia, he was in process going to absorb the SA brown shirts into the military. Hitler though was not a boot licker when it came to military officers. He disdained the General Staff, for none of them were front line Soldiers as he was, as their minds were too important to endanger.
In a secondary Pusch after becoming der Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler removed his two top generals. The  first for marrying a former prostitute,in General von Fritsch and the second for being a homosexual in General von Bloomberg.
The lessons from Adolf Hitler's trial and humilation did not leave him when the General von Lossow called him a "Drummer Boy" and the prosecutor termed him a Drummer Boy who had overreached his station.

In all of this militarism, the communists had their Red Front and often fought with the SA in murderous street battles. The SA served a purpose in 400,000 strong and the Red Front served to alarm moderates in the government of a revolution, and the final result was Adolf Hitler rising to power and with the death of President von Hindenberg, Adolf Hitler assumed supreme command to work his political promotion of the idea which burned within him, to avenge Germany of the crimes against her by her enemies and the traitors of Germany.

In one of his first moves, he shed blood in the SA  in ending it's independence. The SS under Heinrich Himmler would arise to police state and elite fighting units, but the SA would be absorbed into a military, which with the ending of the military hierarchy, led to the OKB, the Over Command, which Adolf Hitler himself was in charge.
While Hitler's generals cautioned againt military expansion in being challenged by France and England. Hitler  used again French intrigue now with the Soviet Union in a pact against Germany to bolster the German armed forces.
Each time Adolf Hitler calculated the political response of Germany's enemies and each time he was correct from the Rhineland occupation, to the joining of the motherland in Austria to Germany, to Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland, each measure achieved exact results as Germany reacquired her territories.

As the backdrop in this Adolf Hitler created the economic miracle of Europe in taking Germany again in the throws of depression due to the American financial collapse of 1929, to placing Germany surging ahead in deficit budgeting in building the military and infrastructure projects in Germany. The German military was on firm footing again, the German body politic was secure and the German economy was prospering. This was not some beer hall or drummer boy dogma to mock. This was real nation status in what a real leader could  accomplish, exactly a Ronald Reagan did in his American miracle in 1980.

In noting the accomplishments of Adolf Hitler from the ground up, one notes that the two primary western leaders in Donald Trump and Sebastian Kurz, had none of the radicalism of Hitler's street fighters, but instead infused themselves into political movements, already established, and in that leap frogged to the legal assumption of power to achieve their chosen goals in the establishment which backed them.
While Donald Trump has floundered in political intrigue in theater events to his cementing of power, Sebastian Kurz has quietly cemented his visions into an international presence utilizing the political machinery which was already in place and misused or unused by Europeans.

The lessons in this are that it matters little how one designs political ascencion, but what matters is what one does when one arises to that station, and smoothly moulds those structures to press forward the government of one's vision.

Nothing has changed from the day of Hitler to the Obama crisis can not be wasted. It is crisis, the ready political sargeant ready with a plan to ascend which brings the long shot political ascencion to place the capable into world altering power structures.

We are watching the advent of two orders to guide the world for the next thousand years. One is Austrian in Sebastian Kurz and the other is American in Donald Trump. The American is far more aged and crumbling compared to the European which is emerging fresh and dynamic as her Chancellor. Only one system will prevail.

Only one system will prevail, and as noted by the vision of Adolf Hitler, his political socialism ran out to rule the world after his demise, and now the world will be in struggle over the American socialist order or the Austrian socialit order, with only one order to occupy that one chosen space.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
