Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Innocent Puntz

I am innocent and shit just happens.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am still learning Wisdom, and one of my wisdom's now is the prayer to be active until Jesus returns or to die in my sleep quickly after an active day. That and warning all children to never have parents which of course is the Alfred Hitchcock dichotomy of the ages.

The Viking wrote and things are better with his Mom thankfully and DC from New Mexico did not write, but I wanted to express my appreciation as I have  been having cat shit days, and last night the water heater decided to not shut off and the faucet hose in the bathroom started dripping from all that pressure, and it was good I was here or we would have needed an Ark. Plumber coming I hope sooner than later as I embark on a Richard and Stephanie adventure. Last time that needed replacement I had to move the jungle of things mom has here and guess who had to do it again with TL to get a water heater in here when it comes hopefully as cold water is good on a hot summer day.

To start this personal note off, I will tell you the Puntz is currently stalking the mother's slippers in clawing at them and acting like they are the slipper monster. That will make sense after the Viking's note.

That very thing happened to me early this afternoon, as I practiced my usual Saturday routine of sleeping as much as possible to recover from the week. I was about a half an hour into a nap, where I was attempting to scratch a kitty’s ears, because they seem to love that the most, when all of a sudden, kitty had my whole hand in her mouth, pressing hard enough to make escape impossible, but not breaking the skin. I was trying to figure how I would extricate but nothing happened until I heard Mom calling my name, as I thought she was sleeping also. When I got up to check, the kitty dilemma was solved, but Mom was sleeping and hadn’t been calling my name, I just heard her doing so, and this is not the first time. So of course the question is: How is Puntz?

So you see when you don't write you get wrote to and when you do write you will get wrote to too. The Puntz has been having ass leak problems from the mother feeding her and rats in the house scaring her. I have trapped three now, and said to hell with it, as Poot is not going to eat dead poisoned rats even if they come out of the walls. I know where those rats came from and all of this chit is getting old in trying to distract me from the objective. Am even more exhausted though in rehabilitating the mother. Lord God that woman finds ways to irritate and just act like the Queen of Irritation in expecting to be waited on. It is like having every goddamn Mexican thinking they are entitled to my things in one package.

So I end up washing the alternative bedspreads in dealing with the leaking. Poot leaps on the bed, and lays on my chest, or feet, or legs, and bounces the bed as she licks and grooms. It is odd if TL is moving around it keys me up, but Poot bouncing around wicks things off me, and I stay calm. Something comforting about this cat that acts like a dog......a junkyard dog at times in having an attitude. Probably why I like this cat as she hates snuggling, cuddling, petting, but loves attention on her terms. It has taken almost 2 years to figure this cat out, but we get along pretty good now, even though we still shed blood in playing with loaded fang and claw.

That is why Poot has a new nickname, schnüffeln. That is German for sniffing, as that is what the Puntz does. I have never seen a cat with a German shorthair pointer nose. That cat is always smelling things. I bring things in.......I use feed sacks as trash bags, and that cat is all over them, snuffing away to her great delight. So my pet name for her is Shnoof now.

The thing is she doesn't smell like a cat. Yes she marks territory in pissing like a dog or a tom cat, but these Manx are a breed of their own, in she does not have that oily cat smell. Just the poop and pee smells.

I never thought I would know a cat by their expressions, but I can tell her moods and thoughts by her expressions. She does smile and she has been good when in bad moods in not tearing the hell out of me.

I like her looking out the window at birds, as she makes chirp sounds. Right now I am thinking I have to do town laundry as I found my bibs, a bed cover and something else with cat ooze on it, and in addition to the bed spread with ooze on it that is coming off tonight, means a load in the big machine up town.

When the plumbers come, Poot will have to be in the kennel cage as I can not have  her running outside or disappearing in the basement. She is an adventure. TL though has a fake mouse they play with together. Poot loves that, actually fetches it and makes all kinds of happy sounds.
As for me, I usually have a face in the dark in my face, as I sleep under a pillow, then she turns around with cat butt in my face, lays on my chest and starts grooming.

TL was noticing that the Puntz is quite the Lord's handiwork in colored toes and patterns. I told TL that God probably said, "I put too much time into that cat to have it die outside, so I am going to move that two legged kitty take her inside".

I have not figured out the cat shit part of this nor the adventures of the burden of the mother in all of this, making a shitty life even more shitload, but who am I to question the amount of shit a person is blessed with. Some have multi million dollar portfolios and some have all kinds of excrement.

I have to wrap this up as this is my relax  time as TL reads the left behind series saying how boring it is, Poot is on the back of the couch napping again and I am keeping the mother awake, so I hope I can sleep more than 2 hours, or be summoned sooner to go potty, as she has nothing better to do as why would I need sleep.

The Puntz is doing ok and I pray doing better.

Gotta jet.
