Sunday, November 11, 2018

It is time for Donald Trump to be President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The act of election theft, tampering with elections, degrading the trust in free and fair elections, is an act of insurrection and treason against the Constitutional Government of the United States.

What has been deliberately staged across the United States in the 2018 midterms is a literal attack upon the United States by enemies within to overthrow a peaceful and legal process.
It is therefore under the direct authority of President Donald Trump to protect the United States from enemies without and within, in his direct oath of office, to order United States troops and United States marshals to occupy key areas of the United States, beginning with Florida and Arizona, under orders to secure the peace and to arrest all perpetrators, including those democrats running for public offices.

This is based upon President Abraham Licoln's president in the criminal insurrection and sedition against the United States. Maryland being the historical example of federal troops sent in first to bring stability to a  state in upheaval.

On May 13, 1861 General Benjamin F. Butler entered Baltimore by rail with 1,000 Federal soldiers and, under cover of a thunderstorm, quietly took possession of Federal Hill. Butler fortified his position and trained his guns upon the city, threatening its destruction

President Trump has full authority to call upon armed volunteers in any state to be federalized as a militia to secure their state, and suppress all elements disrupting the peaceful elections of the United States.

Maryland in the American Civil War - Wikipedia

The first bloodshed of the Civil War occurred in Maryland. Anxious about the risk of secessionists capturing Washington, D.C., given that the capital was bordered by Virginia, and preparing for war with the South, the federal government requested armed volunteers to suppress "unlawful combinations" in the South.

the federal government requested armed volunteers to suppress "unlawful combinations" in the South.

In this President Lincoln, not only suspended rights, but in full authority dismissed Supreme Court rulings. It is no longer necessary to suspend rights, as the Patriot Act gives full authority to the President to apprehend and hold any insurrectionists or ballot terrorists under his authority.

Newly elected 16th President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865, served 1861-1865), suspended the constitutional right of habeas corpus in Maryland; and he dismissed the U.S. Supreme Court's "Ex parte Merryman" decision concerning freeing John Merryman, a prominent Southern sympathizer from Baltimore County arrested by the military and held in Fort McHenry

Lincoln  suspended the constitutional right of habeas corpus in Maryland; and he dismissed the U.S. Supreme Court's "Ex parte Merryman" decision

The President's power also includes arresting all state officials, and federal officials by the United States military or the United States marshals. President Lincoln not only removed all offenders, but in appointments legally placed into positions those people loyal to the United States.

On September 17, 1861, the first day of the Maryland legislature's new session, fully one third of the members of the Maryland General Assembly were arrested, due to federal concerns that the Assembly "would aid the anticipated rebel invasion and would attempt to take the state out of the Union
fully one third of the members of the Maryland General Assembly were arrested

The President in Donald Trump as in Abraham Lincoln, has full authority to act and he should be acting as the Republican party handed 40 seats to democrats, and in this democrats have through vote fraud stolen elections from California, to Arizona, to Florida and are placing races in jeopardy in Georgia.

During this period in spring 1861, Baltimore Mayor Brown, the city council, the police commissioner, and the entire Board of Police, were arrested and imprisoned at Fort McHenry without charges

It is time for President Donald Trump to secure the peace in these United States and uphold his duty against enemies domestic, or he should resign from the Presidency for not carrying out his Constitutional protection of America.

President Abraham Lincoln set the precedent. It is time for President Donald Trump to do more than tweet on Twitter and actively deploy troops and marshals into areas of these United States to establish law and order, and the peaceful process of fair elections, as what is taking place is a criminal act and it is President Trump's responsibility to arrest and remove all those responsible.

Once again a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Only this blog brings you the historical law of the President to maintain civil order as chief law enforcement officer. Mr. Trump must soon answer as to why he has not carried out his duties as President.

Nuff Said
