As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As those who wanted to believe in the prophecies of QAnon, even though you were warned of who this person really was, it is now the advent of this time to post the swamplands story of QAnon in what really happened........
So just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip.........

Is it Mark Wahlberg or a Cycltron?
It is while Mark Wahlberg was on the set of The Shooter, a film created by Mockingbird in order to create a DNA hologram of the perfect sniper in Wahlberg, by imprinting in electronic DNA onto an advanced silicon chip, in order to clone Wahlberg into the perfect Cycletron, pronounced Psych lah tron, a cyborgial electonic creature, capable of shots no human could match.
The infamous Black Boeing
For QAnon his moments were numbered as a Black Boeing launched from a secret underground Air Force base in Akron Ohio, containing no humans, and only the Wahlberg cycletron.
Once aloft the Boeing went into orbit at Mach 1, and under Surveillance from NSA satellites, triangulating on QAnon at college, the cycletron, opened the jet's cargo door, and utilizing a DARPA K3 4, dart laser, a profoundly advanced human seeking dart fired from a laser rifle, which will fly over mountains, navigate flocks of birds, navigate valleys and if necessary fly around fat people, will by syringe, inoculate the target with a serum which is called in the shop, "the juice".
The Juice is a long chain chemical synthetic mutant molecule resin, combining both the effects of LSD and Scopalamine to enact the ultimate Attention Deficit Disorder Hyper Neurosis for complete brain programming.

Kiss of the K3 4
What is unique about this, is the liquid crystal base of the serum, which impregnates itself into the brain, in order to transform the neuron resonators inside the cerebellum into a microwave radio 5G receiver. You have experienced hearing songs repeated in your heads, well what this initiates is a human brain turned into a receiver for programmed signals.

Press 9 10 for Crypto Marijuana
It has been hoped that QAnon that crypto marijuana downloaded into his ringtones under the guise of Taylor Swift's little known hit No Surrender, would have induced in QAnon a rambling narrative which the masses would no longer believe, but the more creative QAnon became the more his followers wanting to believe in having been let down in their 2016 MAGA became devoted.
It was all induced by ass dialing 9 10 at Indian Ocean Standard Time.

The Perfect Lips for Resonance Seduction
That all began to change when, others began debunking QAnon after his being injected with The Juice, the most fantastic shot yet achieved in DARPA at 587 miles, 234 feet, 5 inches and one pair of Bugle Boy jeans and one pair of Super Girl boxers in distance.

The Electric Sonic Bong
Here liberal Salon is quoting Mike Rothschild.....yes Rothschild which should really alert all to the conspiracy holy grail in exposing how unbelievable QAnon had become.
The end result, according to conspiracy theory debunker Mike Rothschild, is that tons of QAnon believers now realize they have been grifted, while the rest, who have gathered on the social network Voat since the community was banned from Reddit in September, are at each other's throats and frantically spinning ever crazier ideas to explain away why nothing Q has said has come true:
Unfortunately the devotees have fallen victim on Voat in moles have infiltrated them from the swamplands and have then at cyberwar with each other, instead of banding together in bonds of mutual admiration and remembering all the early predictions of their QAnon, when they were still not donating to this blog, even though they should have to prepare them for the cyber abyss they have been led into, with the intention of a Mexican standoff of Russian Roulette rules of a Jim Jones Jonestown green koolade cybercide of them sniffing their keyboards and being intoxicated on electronic fumes as electricity leaks from their now overused keyboards, noted by NSA keyloggers noting their every stroke.

A 5 G Tower Broadcasting WavFi
In all of these files if they were posted in detail, they would require several millions pages which of course Wikileaks was unable to comply with in publishing, for it would have deforested the electronic forests which supply the internet with electronic paper and with that the entire internet would have gone Obama black.

Theresa of the Faint Smile
The QAnon faithful should not give up hope as there is an antidote, which was accidentally discovered by the Japanese when the first Black Boeing mass targeted the Fukushima area and convinced all the people there that a reactor had melted down there, but what had really taken place was reasons numbered 2 through 5 which will not make sense to those which this has not been explained to. The anecdote is watching Japanese Anime in Claymore. This of course is why I covered this anime previously in knowing that the numerous readers of this blog would of course watch this in parts and inoculate themselves from the fate of QAnon.
The Futuristic Enhancer To Allow You To See Through Anything
For those who can handle it, that is the swampland story of the cyberwashing of QAnon. For those who can not that is the story of the cyberwashing of QAnon. For those with any sense they should have been donating to this delightful popular girl blog as I do not waste your time nor am I susceptible to cyber minder altering drugs as some of you are.
Nuff Said