Sunday, November 18, 2018

Donald Trump the Small Mike Pence Thinker

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Regrettably Donald Trump is a small thinker, but this can not be helped as he has surrounded him self with slum lord Kushner, Barracks Kelly and small state Mike Pence, because if Mr. Trump had real advisers around him, he would be thinking of the big picture, like great leaders think of the big picture in Charlemagne,  Queen Victoria I and Thomas Jefferson. Each in their own  time understood the successful expansion of their nations to bring peace and stability to the world.

Charlemnagne understood the necessity of the Holy Roman Empire united. Queen Victoria understood the naval power of England in Francis Drake. Thomas Jefferson comprehended in the Louisiana Purchase the expansion of the United States on the 1000 Year Reich

It is one thing for Donald Trump to put up likenesses of Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt. It is another thing to be these men of action, as Jackson secured the American southeast from Indian terrorists and Roosevelt secured the American empire in Monroe Doctrine in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

Donald Trump talks about a wall. That is small thinking. For the same investment he should be annexing American lands held by Mexico in Greater Texas South of the Rio Grande, which America by right. A billion dollars  invested there in American settlements and the US military would yield trillions of dollars in revenues for the United States.

As for Canada, now become a Muslim terror base. The United States  has every right to a land bridge to Alaska, as that is United States lands. The Monroe Doctrine is in full force against European powers and Britain is a European Power. It is time for American security that American forces acquire all lands in Canada beyond Ontario, for security and the American Diaspora there. The United States should champion Free Quebec as a sovereign nation with full political union with America.
The liberation of Canada would create a quadrillion dollar in reveunes and expansion and Western Canada would be home to a quality of life and  prosperity which they never will have under the rule of Ottawa.

Donald Trump thinks small for someone who builds big high rises in New York.  With Ivana Trump he was a big picture guy, but with Melania he is small Slovenian state mentality, and is roped in by the cartel thinking of Pence, Kelly and whatever the Kushner's can Shylock for their carpetbagging.

For US security and prosperity, the President of the United States is under oath to take possession of American lands held by squatter despots of Mexico City and Ottawa. These lands have been held in bondage for the feudal few, and it is time they be opened  to the masses to exploit.

President Trump: It’s a ‘Good Time to do a Shutdown’ Over Border Wall Funding

The Mexican can return to their nativity off  Greater Texas and the Western Canadian family will all receive 1 million dollars in reparations from Ottawa for their resources being exploited by the feudal few of Canada. The US Flag will fly over these regions with their full autonomy as a federal union in emancipating these peoples.

If Donald Trump was a big thinker he would be George Washington to the frontier, Teddy Roosevelt in the Panama Canal, John Kennedy to the moon and Ronald Reagan liberating Americans from enemies foreign and enemies domestic.

It is time for Donald Trump to liberate himself from his small thinking hangers on, and begin thinking big as a great leader does for his People and Nation.

One  can not build a legacy by firing bottle rockets off in replace of Apollo Moon Landings.

- Lame Cherry

It is time.

It is time to stop tweeting and start moving the United Populations of Americans to MAGA

Donald Trump 'berated Theresa May in Air Force One phone call'

Nov 14, 2018 · Donald Trump reportedly berated Theresa May in a phone call while he was on Air Force One. The prime minster called the US president to congratulate him on the results of the US midterm elections ...

Nuff Said
